It's seriously canon?
Yep. I'd cuss about how its canonicity is fucking with that story I keep failing to write, only it's such incredibly cool canon.
Discussion of Buffy and Angel comics, books, and more. Please don't get into spoilery details in the first week of release.
It's seriously canon?
Yep. I'd cuss about how its canonicity is fucking with that story I keep failing to write, only it's such incredibly cool canon.
Porniest Super Hero Name List
OK, I guess this is going to have to be the next topic of conversation.
Apparently I'm way too Marvel/Indy/Alternative. From DC, I only ever liked the Batstuff. All in all, I can buy into heroes who have a darker side, or an unwilling side, or are vigilantes far easier than I can buy into the Golden Age types.
Guess that's why Buffy worked for me.
I need NML3 next.
I really enjoy it and can't wait to see what happens next and how the heck they start rebuilding.
Apparently I'm way too Marvel/Indy/Alternative. From DC, I only ever liked the Batstuff. All in all, I can buy into heroes who have a darker side, or an unwilling side, or are vigilantes far easier than I can buy into the Golden Age types.
But, pretty much all DC stuff right now seems to have that. Except perhaps Supes, which they've admitted is a small issue.
Even the sweeties are messed up.
Yep. It spills over into at least the Nightwing and Robin titles, and probably others. (Plei? D'you know?) It's also where they introduce the new Batgirl.
Continuity pages probably has a list of all the NML related titles. I don't know off the top of my head. I will say, however, again, that the novelization is excellent. Most of my quibbles were minor, and I want Rucka in Babs' head all the time.
Yep. I'd cuss about how its canonicity is fucking with that story I keep failing to write, only it's such incredibly cool canon.
You know, I can see how the canon could actually serve that story you're not writing. Whoa. Umm. Yeah. Seeing ALL sorts of parallels here between what you're doing, NML, Jason... Heh. Err. We maybe should talk.
Teppy, have you read Batman: Cataclysm? 'Cause in that one, you get to see how Gotham got fucked up, and it's terrifying.
Oh, hell. I'm having horrible shuddering flashbacks to the One Part I Try Skipping. That was some incredible writing in there.
And, pathetically, this is a crosspost. BUT... Nightwing #93, Batman #627, and Gotham Central #19. If you're looking to start Gotham Central, this is a good place, because #19 starts a new arc. I still recommend getting 1-18, as it's an incredible book. But. If you can't. Start now.
Batman, as many of you know, has Winick on it now. This is only his second issue. 626 has me cautiously eager.
Nightwing #93 fills me with the sort of dread that only the conclusion to an incredible arc can. I suspect it will probably be good. I also suspect it will *hurt*. On the bright side, then I can re-read the whole arc thrice weekly.
If you're looking to start Gotham Central, this is a good place, because #19 starts a new arc.
Maybe I will. Angelo (my pusher) recommends it highly as well.
I think that NML must include BoP -- because it has Huntress. (At least parts 1 & 2 have Huntress -- does she have her own comic?)
Cataclysm has Catwoman -- I wouldn't be surprised if NML included her too.
I think it affected the entire Bats Family.
At Half-Price Books yesterday, I managed to snag Robin 1-4 for 75 cents each. This is post-Knightfall, when Jean-Paul is still playing Batman. Good? Bad? Indifferent? Should I regret wasting those $3?
Teen Titans 11, bay-bee.
If you're looking to start Gotham Central, this is a good place, because #19 starts a new arc. I still recommend getting 1-18, as it's an incredible book. But. If you can't. Start now.
Goddamn, now I'm really itching to read NML.
At Half-Price Books yesterday
Where are you? I miss Half-Price. They don't have them up here.
Only MM would name his child Power Man.
Pfah. What sort of name is that to strike fear in the hearts of criminals and make the underworld quail?
"Power Man". Ptui.
You need something with some...punch, ya know? Maybe a title or something. Captain Power. Professor Power. Doctor Power. Mister Power.
Unless MiracleSprog's a girl.
Then it's...Mistress Power? Miss Power Thank You Very Much?
I also suspect it will *hurt*.
It will hurt. It will hurt horribly and awfully and painfully. How could it possibly do otherwise, given where we are right now?