Havok had to wear a special suit to keep from firing deadly plasma at everyone all the time. Basically, they took Scott, made him his own younger brother, and blond. Somewhere along the line, Peter David made him cool as hell.
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Discussion of Buffy and Angel comics, books, and more. Please don't get into spoilery details in the first week of release.
Havok? He shot plasma. Really dumb costume.
Dumb? It's a classic! I LOVE that costume!
I'm with Victor. It's a great costume.
I'm in the 'not a good costume' corner. I mean, it's not Iron Fist bad, but what could be.
He has big loopy things on his head.
Luke Cage? Kinda cool headgear. Storm? Cool headgear.
Havok? DORKY.
Now you're hating on Iron Fist?
No respect for the classics.
I mean, it's not Iron Fist bad, but what could be.
t boggles
Wow. That's... wow. Makes Nightwing's old costume look damn manly.
Now you're hating on Iron Fist?
No way dude. He was one of my faves as a kid. He and Cage ruled. That said, he's got a collar that looks like the vet put it there to keep him away from his stitches, his shirt is slit to the navel, and he wears yellow ballet slippers. That's hall of shame costuming.
Don't forget his sash. He has a sash.