Jayne: What're you gonna tell the others? Mal: About what? Jayne: About why I'm dead. Mal: Hadn't thought about it. Jayne: Make something up. Don't tell 'em what I did.


Other Media  

Discussion of Buffy and Angel comics, books, and more. Please don't get into spoilery details in the first week of release.

DaBrat - Jan 03, 2003 1:52:42 pm PST #253 of 10000
I am Jack's total lack of surprise.

Dark Horse now claims April 23rd, but I'll be shocked if it actually happens.

Steph L. - Jan 03, 2003 2:12:20 pm PST #254 of 10000
I look more rad than Lutheranism

In the new Buffy magazine, in an interview with Joss, he says something like "Fray is really going to be out soon -- your grandchildren will love it."

Matt the Bruins fan - Jan 03, 2003 2:53:35 pm PST #255 of 10000
"I remember when they eventually introduced that drug kingpin who murdered people and smuggled drugs inside snakes and I was like 'Finally. A normal person.'” —RahvinDragand

Bwah! Good to know they at least forsee its publication before the storyline's events are proven historically inaccurate.

Jeff Mejia - Jan 03, 2003 3:57:23 pm PST #256 of 10000
"Don't think of yourself as an organic pain collector racing towards oblivion." Dogbert to Dilbert

The last I heard was that Karl Moline had most of Fray #7 and part of #8 pencilled, but they were waiting until he had #8 finished before they would make the big push of promoting the final two issues. I have heard that Karl had some health problems recently, and I did notice that his last issue of Route 666 (which I think is a pretty good horror comic, BTW) had shared pencilling duties with Cliff Richards (who is the main penciller on Buffy comics at this time).

Volans - Jan 03, 2003 4:03:41 pm PST #257 of 10000
move out and draw fire

Rob, what do you think of the magic system in the Buffy rpg? I'm cool with the loose-and-fast combat system (I tend to prefer faster-paced combats, and I think it will capture the feeling of the show), but, as we've all learned from Willow, playing loose and fast with magic is often a very bad idea. I can't quite get a feeling for the magic system.

I have one player rounded up - any folks here who live in Northern Virginia and want to play, let me know.

CaBil - Jan 03, 2003 4:47:57 pm PST #258 of 10000
Remember, remember/the fifth of November/the Gunpowder Treason and Plot/I see no reason/Why Gunpowder Treason/Should ever be forgot.

Raquel, where are you in NoVA?

Volans - Jan 03, 2003 6:32:37 pm PST #259 of 10000
move out and draw fire

CaBil, I'm in Vienna (technically Ffx, but right next to the Vienna Metro).

CaBil - Jan 03, 2003 10:00:35 pm PST #260 of 10000
Remember, remember/the fifth of November/the Gunpowder Treason and Plot/I see no reason/Why Gunpowder Treason/Should ever be forgot.

Oh, the very end of the orange line? Urgh, I am at the very opposite of the network, the MD end of the green line.

Volans - Jan 03, 2003 11:54:48 pm PST #261 of 10000
move out and draw fire

Beats driving. But still. I may have a player in DC, in which case we could meet in the middle. My profile addy is good, if you want to zap me offline.

Rob - Jan 05, 2003 11:17:14 am PST #262 of 10000

Rob, what do you think of the magic system in the Buffy rpg?

I don't have any memory of it at all, but it's been a few months since I read the book. So I guess I couldn't have thought it was too good or too bad.