is "JLA: Tower of Babble," where a villain takes the JLA down with Batman's own anti-JLA contingency plans.
Neat, nasty stuff.
Had this discussion before, but...yeah! Ra's al Ghul, Batman's anti-JLA Protocols.
Only beef: Ra's al Ghul would have used the deadly protocols.
Don't give me that look. Batman has deadly protocols.
I answered my own Wizard question.
Look, MM!
The only JLA I've seen is from that very odd Atlantis-related plot arc. Which has a bunch of covers in which Wonder Woman is inexplicably Asian, but also has enough awesome character moments (Wally! Kyle! "The daring young man on the flying trapeze"!) to make up for the cracktastic plot.
Oh, and I forgot to add: Gotham Central. IIRC, the first five are out in trade.
So effin' good.
Look, MM!
I already have "Mythology"...and now MORE Alex Ross stuff?
Yeah, sorry about that MM. I gotta watch my posting.
ita secretly hates your bank account.
OK, I need to get this comix co-op thing rolling. I need to start compiling a list of who's participating, what books they're donating, and how much money they're pledging. Please don't name any books unless you're sure you want to part with them.
Please email me at my profile address. My tendency is to keep the dollar amounts people are putting in confidential. Does anyone have a problem with that?
BTW, I will be contributing BW: Murderer and BW: Fugitive 1-3 to the cause, along with Why I Hate Saturn.
Is this co-op thing working with graphic novels only? I like the idea and have a number of them I could throw into the cause. I just need to iventory them because I can't remember what they are right now.
I need to start compiling a list of who's participating, what books they're donating, and how much money they're pledging. Please don't name any books unless you're sure you want to part with them.
I'll participate. What's a good amount to pledge? $20? $40?
I'll have to review before I commit TPB donations.