Any Transmetropolitan readers? I've had a couple recs for it, but don't know where to start.
Start at the beginning, and let it take over your whole friggin' life. Worked for me. I went pretty Transmetropolitinsane in the Angel thread a week or three back, and haven't recovered yet.
Is this available on Amazon? Otherwise I'll hit the comic store this week for the tpbs...since you guys give it high recs I will definitely check it out. I was kind of "eh" on Planetary, but "Victor's Favorite Comic Ever" goes a long way.
Yep, it should all be there in TPB.
And Transmet is my favorite comic ever.
And also wins the "Most in-jokes in the House O'Reason" Award. Reason being is that the lead character, Spider Jerusalem, looks pretty much exactly like me minus 30 pounds. The likeness is sufficient that on one occasion I sat waiting to see if Jilli stopped at the same page as I did when she was reading a newly arrived TP. Sure enough she did, due to guffaws of laughter. The reason was not simply the likeness but a carbon copy of a particular pissy look I get sometimes.
I met Warren Ellis (the writer) a few times in the early 90's and I have to keep wondering if Jilli's not the only one that's been transposed into comic form.
Maybe you should worry about when and how many times you met the artist?
None that I know of, but then again some of the old British comic conventions were one long piss-up.
Oh, and for ita; Brian Bolland is a wonderful, quiet man. I finally got to talk to him at a UKCAC (I think 1993) where I was introduced to him by John Bolton (who'd just done the cover for my comic book called Sweetmeats). I got to sit down at the signing table with them and continue chatting while they signed. Gave my friends who were in line a hell of a shock when they got to the front of the queue!
Gah. Just looked at the time, and realized I'd lost about two hours where I should have been in bed.
Gotham Central now owns my ass. So freakin' good. The writing, the art. This is tight and *powerful*.
Maybe you should worry about when and how many times you met the artist?
Darick Ronimson, the artist, is a nice guy. I interviewed him at San Diego Comic Con for a story a few years back. He also gave me a drawing of Spieder JErusalem pointing and saying, Tell the Truth, Damn it!"
Anyone surprised?
Other than me? *g*
I thought it would be good. I didn't think it would break me before the end of the first issue and then keep breaking me as time went on.
Plei, I also mentioned this in your LJ...
Is Gotham Central the one set in the Police Precinct?
If so, the inker lives in my street.
Yes, I completely forgot that a Bat-inker was living here the last time you visited. Try not to kick me.