Just a reminder that Tales of the Vampires #5 and The Adventures of the Escapist #2 are due in the stores today, according to the The New Comic Book Releases list.
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Discussion of Buffy and Angel comics, books, and more. Please don't get into spoilery details in the first week of release.
What is The Adventures of the Escapist about?
What is The Adventures of the Escapist about?
It's a comic based on the comic book characters in Michael Chabon's Kavalier and Clay. Chabon wrote one story in the first issue.
So, did The Escapist actually make it into the stores, or no? Anyone? Bueller?
Won't know until this evening. My comic shop moved to a location further away from where I work, so I can't get to it at lunchtimes anymore. (And I doubt they ordered it anyway, even though I signed up for it).
How many issues is Tales of the Vampires going to be?
Are Rachel and Kitty a couple? Why doesn't Joss like Storm enough to write her? Is that Halle's fault? How extensive will the relaunch be? Were Uncanny/X-Treme/New X-Men and New Mutants always in the same universe?
I think this is the last issue of TotV.
Why aren't Emma Frost's fingers disintegrating on the cover?
Why aren't Emma Frost's fingers disintegrating on the cover?
Wizard said something like "it was a long time before she could wipe herself again."
It's very pretty, but odd.