Jayne: What're you gonna tell the others? Mal: About what? Jayne: About why I'm dead. Mal: Hadn't thought about it. Jayne: Make something up. Don't tell 'em what I did.


Other Media  

Discussion of Buffy and Angel comics, books, and more. Please don't get into spoilery details in the first week of release.

victor infante - Apr 24, 2004 1:32:48 pm PDT #1962 of 10000
To understand what happened at the diner, we shall use Mr. Papaya! This is upsetting because he's the friendliest of fruits.

Also--fans of Outsiders Ho-yay really need to pick up the current issue. Immediately.

sumi - Apr 24, 2004 1:41:58 pm PDT #1963 of 10000
Art Crawl!!!

Drat! I bet all the stuff I bought used from Amazon's "Marketplace" will turn out to be single issues of different series.

Bishop - Apr 24, 2004 2:13:00 pm PDT #1964 of 10000
Lapsed Lurker

I bet all the stuff I bought used from Amazon's "Marketplace" will turn out to be single issues of different series.

Dude, that sucks so hard. Can you still nail the seller somehow for breaking Amazon rules?

MechaKrelboyne - Apr 24, 2004 2:26:36 pm PDT #1965 of 10000
... and that's a Pantera's box you don't want to open. - Mister Furious

So, apropos of nothing much, how's that whole new Batgirl thing working out anyway? I've only ever read a guest spot she had in Superboy back when Joe Kelly was writing it. Nice, well thought out addition to the Batverse, or more on the level of tacky RazorGlove Batman with 'improved' grittiness action?

FWIW, I liked her in that SB isssue, but that may just be Kelly making me like characters who'd otherwise be worthless.

esse - Apr 24, 2004 3:10:01 pm PDT #1966 of 10000
S to the A -- using they/them pronouns!

And what's her name?

shrift - Apr 24, 2004 3:28:45 pm PDT #1967 of 10000
"You can't put a price on the joy of not giving a shit." -Zenkitty

Also--fans of Outsiders Ho-yay really need to pick up the current issue.

Erotic Butch and Sundance! I'm dying.

And what's her name?

Cassandra Cain.

victor infante - Apr 24, 2004 3:42:44 pm PDT #1968 of 10000
To understand what happened at the diner, we shall use Mr. Papaya! This is upsetting because he's the friendliest of fruits.

Erotic Butch and Sundance! I'm dying.

I only read it briefly, over dinner, but I thought that whole scene with Arsenel and Grace was HI-larious.

esse - Apr 24, 2004 4:28:34 pm PDT #1969 of 10000
S to the A -- using they/them pronouns!

Does Cassandra have, like, a messed-up face? (I can't think of any other way to put it.) Because she didn't, and then she did. In the one comic I've read.

P.M. Marc - Apr 24, 2004 6:57:55 pm PDT #1970 of 10000
So come, my friends, be not afraid/We are so lightly here/It is in love that we are made; In love we disappear

MM, Cassandra's pretty nifty. Cooler than Jason Todd, for damn sure.

Does Cassandra have, like, a messed-up face?


I only read it briefly, over dinner, but I thought that whole scene with Arsenel and Grace was HI-larious.

Dude! So fucking funny. Thank you, Victor, for hooking me.

victor infante - Apr 25, 2004 4:50:32 am PDT #1971 of 10000
To understand what happened at the diner, we shall use Mr. Papaya! This is upsetting because he's the friendliest of fruits.

Dude! So fucking funny. Thank you, Victor, for hooking me.

No prob. I'm there for ya.