Her name. It's a woman.
Oh. Nice. Dearth of them.
Discussion of Buffy and Angel comics, books, and more. Please don't get into spoilery details in the first week of release.
Her name. It's a woman.
Oh. Nice. Dearth of them.
Skin on skin contact puts him immediately into f*ck or fight mode
Grrarrrgh. The amount of lust I have for a fictional comic book character (and especially the way Devin writes him) is kind of startling.
And I believe I shall exploit this bit of insight ruthlessly.
Interesting that she's never read Miller's Daredevil.
I keep thinking I should mention to my local comics dealers that there's been this big shift in fandom writing about the bat-fam. Do you think they already know? Obviously there are tons of bat-titles and TPBs.
Grrarrrgh. The amount of lust I have for a fictional comic book character (and especially the way Devin writes him) is kind of startling.
I *know!*
Growlpantwoof and all that. It's kind of embarrassing.
Growlpantwoof and all that. It's kind of embarrassing.
My love for Bruce is dysfunctional and cerebral, with moments of pure lust.
But Dick? My switch is pretty much always stuck on t GROWL MMMYUMYUM BOY! t GROWL WANT BOY! WANTWANTWANT!
Oh, well. Lord help me if I ever meet a bendy boy like Nightwing.
Oh, well. Lord help me if I ever meet a bendy boy like Nightwing.
To further destroy any pretense of intellectual street cred: do you do what I do, and on the panels that really show off the pretty flexing muscles, just kind of blur out the words as though you've just mentally inserted a thin layer of drool between you and the text?
Because I've had to go back and re-read whole pages as a result.
Dear god, you two are funny as hell.
Dear dog....
That little exchange between Plei and shrift right there?
It makes me want to write porny fic, just to see if I can get you two to react even a little like that.
Snerk. All I can think of is this exchange in Outsiders:
Drugged-Up Cultist Girl to Nightwing: You're cute.
Metamorpho: He knows.
I'm going to have to go back and read Outsiders through PMMish and shrifty eyes.
I think it will be fun.