You forgot the mullet hair. (shudder) But I think the awkwardness was pretty well counterpointed by his portrayal of 1980s-era Arthur in that same film.
He looks very Jack Davenport in that picture.
Discussion of Buffy and Angel comics, books, and more. Please don't get into spoilery details in the first week of release.
You forgot the mullet hair. (shudder) But I think the awkwardness was pretty well counterpointed by his portrayal of 1980s-era Arthur in that same film.
He looks very Jack Davenport in that picture.
Doesn't he? I'll never understand how Ewan's character could avoid flinging the table aside and jumping Arthur in that scene, when he was perfectly happy to do so when he looked like this.
Hey! Where did Samurai Jack go? Suddenly Justice League is on after Teen Titans! Uncool, mang.
Teppy's hot for Jack. I'm sure they just need to make some new episodes, Ms. L.
Possibly they shuffled their schedule around and are giving the samurai a rest. But -- bah.
Was it a new JL?
I can honestly say I don't know. I've never really watched JL enough to know if something is new or a re-run.
No new JL till August.
Bah! It feels like they have British-sized seasons.