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'Our Mrs. Reynolds'
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Discussion of Buffy and Angel comics, books, and more. Please don't get into spoilery details in the first week of release.
Totally looks like Jewel on that first page, second panel.
She does kinda -- but would Joss have much input as to the "look" of the character?
but would Joss have much input as to the "look" of the character
Who? Mr. Ultimate Control Freak? (I wish I could remember his control freak line from that one DVD commentary. Ah well.) I am thinking he would. But, then, I don't really see the big Jewel look-alike-ness.
It all depends on the scripting of the comic, I guess. If he writes in his script "Kitty Pryde looks like Jewel Staite," sure. If he just leaves it up to the artist, meh. Joss seems like the type to me though to have the panels all drawn up in his head and to write very detailed comic book scripts. What I wouldn't give to see one he's written...
I know my comic book in my head (about vampirism being a rare, sexually-transmitted blood disease) is all laid out, panels, coloration, everything, even though my drawings aren't much better than my 9-year-old brother's.
It all depends on the scripting of the comic, I guess. If he writes in his script "Kitty Pryde looks like Jewel Staite," sure. If he just leaves it up to the artist, meh. Joss seems like the type to me though to have the panels all drawn up in his head and to write very detailed comic book scripts. What I wouldn't give to see one he's written...
With John Cassaday doing the art, I imagine that he would get quite a bit of leeway. Although, with the premiere X-book, I'm sure there was a lot of discussion beteen Joss, Cassaday, and the editors. In the latest Wizard, Joss told Joe Quesada that the artists he was interested in working with for his X-Men run were Bryan Hitch, Karl Moline, Andy or Adam Kubert, and John Cassaday. Cassaday's desire to do an X-book dovetailed nicely with this situation.
Jewel Staite
All right, people! Who the hell IS this Jewel person? Surely not the singer.
The most luminous, refreshing, lovely, talented, down-to-earth, real-female, sexy creature ever to be on... oh yeah, on Firefly. Sorry about that.
Since nobody likes Inara, and I know who Gina Torres is, I assume Jewel was the mechanic whose name I can't remember?