Sumi, in the Dark Horse description for TotV #3 (due February 11), they say it's a five-issue run.
Other Media
Discussion of Buffy and Angel comics, books, and more. Please don't get into spoilery details in the first week of release.
Got the new 1602 at lunch. Intriguing.
My comic shopswas already sold out of TotV #2. They said that they were getting more. Apparently, they were ordering TotV based on the Buffy comics sales, and it is selling way more copies than Buffy ever did.
(Edit: Can't type and eat at the same time.)
1602: It's all coming together, oh yeah.
Gah! I forgot to go out and get my copy of 1602 last night. I'll have to stop by the comic store on the way home this evening.
I picked up 1602 #4 and #5 last week and didn't know #6 was out yesterday! Does anyone know if there is a summary online explaining who all the characters are in the Marvel-verse?
Jess Nevins was keeping annotations for 1602. Don't know if they are up to date, but they are here.
What I've been looking for is a bio sheet on the original Marvel versions of the characters (including Snowbird, because I want to look at her story again). Someone linked to a good site, but I can't find it again. If anyone else cares,here's Marvel's very incomplete list, and here's a fan's list.
I am so confused by 1602.
Michele, me too, but at least I'm also entertained. And-- cartoon Neil! Wee, surly cartoon Neil!