More on "Paleo-futureism" - from a 1982 NYT article:
....activity in the field [of futurism] has slowed to the point of stopping. "Actually, [futurism] died somewhere in the 1970's," said Michael Marien, the editor of "Futures Survey," a monthly abstract published by the World Future Society. "Nobody announced its death, but it happened." Mr. Marien, who has been monitoring futures literature for the past dozen years, said the flood of books on trends and forecasts is down to a trickle.
Link to NYT article: [link] It's Times Select - can someone who has it send me the article? Please?
What the hell - x-posted from music. An incredibly wrong video - Kermit the Frog doing the Nine Inch Nails song "Hurt": [link]
NSFW due to muppet drug use. And sex.
eta: Don't watch if you don't want your memories of Kermit sullied....
Why aren't I cleaning? I really should be, and yet, NSM.
I just went shopping for cross-stitch supplies so I can start working on my sister's wedding present (a Celtic-themed wedding annoucement). Between the cost of the pattern and the supplies, so far I only have about $45 in it--the big cost is going to be getting it framed later on, though.
Oh, man, the wank is flowing heavy in SGA today. Yoiks.
Did you guys hear that Hills is recalling their prescription dry-food? Something to do with bad gluten. (I'm just relieved it's not the regular Hill's which I just got for my cats last weekend.) Feline prescription from Hill's.
And I watched "Mud Ball" for the 3rd day in a row.
It was a record 5,937 pollen particles per cubic meter of air yesterday.
Damn. That can't leave much room for air.
Hm. Love Kermit, love NiN . . . I think I'll go with not watchihng that link
for now.
Did you guys hear that Hills is recalling their prescription dry-food? Something to do with bad gluten. (I'm just relieved it's not the regular Hill's which I just got for my cats last weekend.) Feline prescription from Hill's.
Actually, yes, since I just checked my voice messages, and there was one from my vet, since I feed at least Ozzie it.