I'm going to die of boredom today, Dana.
I died of boredom Tuesday, was revived when I got home, and then died of it again yesterday afternoon. Today I may live but only because my co-worker and I took an extended lunch trip to the mall (where I got a new dress!!! at H&M it's cream w/ red flowers!!!).
However, I'm back now and I fully expect the, GOD, 3 hours between now and 5 to last about 20.
This is the longest week ever!
At 4 I'll go over to Muskrat Jamboree, which will be setting up the con suite and whatever, and see if I can help out any, which pretty much takes care of the rest of my weekend, really.
I got to go have birthday lunch for a coworker, now my boss is out of the office at a "meeting" (actually physical therapy, not sure why she won't tell anyone that), and if she comes back at all, it will be the last time until at least Tuesday! Maybe Wednesday!
Bwah, just back from scanning through fandom_wank. Clearly, I owe rageaholic jackass Isaiah Washington a debt of gratitude for engaging in his second entree of shoe leather at that awards show and thus prompting my disgusted flight from Grey's Anatomy viewership before the current storyline hit the fan.
Hey hivemind - where's a good place online to get relatively inexpensive window treatments?
My new apartment has oddly sized windows (46"w72"l), and I'm having no luck finding shades that will fit. (It'd be easier to just go with panel curtains, but I want shades, damnit.)
Jessica, are you looking for something nice? I bought not very high quality but still pretty functional mini blinds at Home Depot and they cut them to the size I needed.
Yeah, I'm looking for fabric shades - this is for the living room.
I've bought things from American Blinds and Wallpaper [link]
Do you sew or craft or anything Jessica? I have some directions for fabric shades at home.
Home Decorators Collection has some pretty nice looking stuff that's customizable: [link]
I love their wood blinds.