Blessings to Kat and Lori and the babies. Breathing unaided is an excellent sign at such an early age, but I am sure there is a long road ahead.
I'm sorry, Theo. It sounds like the company is handling it well, and I have great confidence in your ability to find another job, but it's still hard to be laid off.
This entire week is on my shit list.
Damn, Theo. Your entire department? That's brutal. I'm so sorry.
Ouch, Theodosia! Weren't you just saying you had been there like 15 years. (yay no data entry)
Damn, Theo. I'm so sorry. That's awful.
All the crossed fingers and prayers I have in me for Noah and Grace during their extended NICU stay.
Christ! Seriously, WTF, day??!?
Yikes, welcome and healthy growth~ma to Noah and Grace, congrats and ~ma to Kat and Lori.
So sorry to hear about your job, Theo. Sounds like they're trying to take care of you, at least.
All the ~ma in the world to Kat, lori, Noah and Grace.
Theo, that sucks. At least they told you before you did the data entry.
March, you need to step off my friends!
Congratulations to Kat and Lori and all the health~ma I can muster to Noah and Grace. Welcome to the world!
That sucks, Theo. Here's hoping you find a great job quickly (or as quickly as you care to, anyway).
Every single ounce of ~~~~~~ma~~~~~~~ going to Kat, lori, Noah, and Grace.