Unfortunately, according to roommate, attempting to bathe the cat would result in even more terrible hijinks. I don't want to see what's worse than a hallway liberally smeared with cat poo, man.
At least it's giving us a reason to sing "Smelly Cat" while we deal with her.
bon - thanks for that site link. CRACK!
And um, this sounds odd, but be glad it wasn't pee.
Oh, I know of the cat pee. My family used to have a cat who would pee everywhere to show her displeasure. She particularly liked to hit baskets of clean laundry.
Ooh, thanks for the heads-up. Still time to adjust the Tivo. Just got home from work so I wouldn't have known.
It was planned, so Tivo should know about it, no? My DVR had it scheduled in.
Yes, they had something (AI?) running over.
And it had Riley Finn?
It has Riley Finn. He was shirtless for a bit, too.
Marc Blucas. Dang, it's taken me this long to remember his actual name.
My first day of work is complete. Will you look at that.
It'll be a while before I get a real taste of it, so I'm going to relish the slowness while I can.
Definitely relish the slowness, ita. Ease in.
House watchers, can someone tell me why House can't pee? I missed the first fifteen minutes due to forgetfulness.