Hm, I don't see anything there, but I'm looking at a printout of my on-line report, so maybe that's different?
Oh, wait, right under the FICO score? That's where I have
- The time since your most recent past due payment is too recent or unknown
- The time since your most recent account opening is very recent
- The length of time your accounts have been established is relatively short.
- There is evidence of multiple accounts with missing payments or having derogatory indicators/remarks reported.
All of which I understand ex ept the last one. I think.
I'd be more than happy to get any additional info you care to tell me. Profile address is good. It's very sweet of you to offer!
Yep. That's it. The reports I look at have codes added.
Sure. I have lots and lots of that stuff, so I'll pull it all together into something useful. In the meantime if you have any questions, my profile is open too.
We're in that mode, too, Daisy, so I'd love to have a copy of your lesson!
Late Saturday ok for y'all? I mean if I have it to you by then?
Saturday would be more than wonderful.
I'll gather all the information I have on credit and credit scoring and do a little lesson to email to anyone what wants it.
Raises hand.
Thanks for the offer DJ! Profile addy and any time period you want is good for me.
Heh. Now I'm starting a list.
Yeah, the 4/5/6 were fucked for most of the day, but back in action by the time I left work. Of course, then there was something else that messed with the N/R situation as well. Upshot was, not so bad, but getting home did take some extra time.
DJ, can you put me on the list? Profile address is good.