Thanks, everyone. Sorry I went all whingey pants.
I just read on
The Boston Globe's
website that the state's last WWI Veteran died at age 110: [link] Poor old fellow.
Frank, where did you hear it was going to turn back to snow, tonight? Everything seems to have stopped, at least momentarily.
Huh. I wonder how many WWI vets are left, nationwide?
...Wikipedia says 40. Wow. I wonder if they have get-togethers?
This client just took every last bit of my patience. I don't think I am able to talk to anyone else today.
Dear bitca,
You do not, after 10 months, get to call up and get snippy because the person you need is out sick and cannot help you today.
Please sit and spin.
"Unhelpfully" yours
yay candy!
I may have asked about this before, but I have this weird problem with my electricity use going WAY up without me being able to figure out why. I am doing almost nothing differently and my usage looks like this:
2/12/2007 RGE 1522
1/11/2007 ESTIMATED 232
12/12/2006 RGE 615
11/8/2006 ESTIMATED 228
10/11/2006 RGE 659
9/6/2006 243
8/8/2006 429
7/6/2006 231
6/5/2006 348
5/3/2006 148
4/5/2006 280
3/3/2006 163
2/3/2006 177
1/5/2006 249
12/5/2005 145
11/3/2005 254
10/5/2005 559
9/2/2005 168
WTF? All I have going is my TV, from about 6 pm - midnight, a DVD player, an alarm clock, the computer from about 6 pm - 8pm, the microwave for about 5 minutes per night, the stove for about 10 minutes per night, and a couple of lights, from 6 pm - 9 pm-- and the fridge.
I wonder if they have get-togethers?
Probably not anymore, as I imagine most would be unable to travel for such an event.
One of the more interesting books I've read came out in 1999 and was called Centenarians, and was interviews and photos of (you guessed it!) people who were born in 1899 or earlier. They included a woman who was Strom Thurmond's babysitter (!), a man who, when he was 7 years old, spent part of a train ride through Wyoming chatting with an old guy across the aisle who he found out later was Buffalo Bill, and other really fascinating people.
I may have asked about this before, but I have this weird problem with my electricity use going WAY up without me being able to figure out why.
Do you perhaps leave your computer or monitor on when you're not using it? That can suck up a lot of power over time.
Otherwise, you might want to ask your utility company. Maybe you have electricity thieves. Or maybe the meter reading person is lazy or screws up (in which case, the errors should cancel out over time).
eta: Also, some electronic devices (some TVs, chargers, etc.) will continue to suck power even when they're not on.
Alright, screaming silently in my head.
If I kill someone, will y'all take up a pay-pal donation for my bail?
Thanks tommy- I just can't figure out how my average use per month last year at this time was 213kwh, and now it is 877!!! I leave nothing on all day and turn my heat down to 60, so the fan is never going on. I didn't use my crock pot or even my oven this month. I have a gas water heater.
Thanks tommy- I just can't figure out how my average use per month last year at this time was 213kwh, and now it is 877!!! I leave nothing on all day and turn my heat down to 60, so the fan is never going on. I didn't use my crock pot or even my oven this month. I have a gas water heater.
Hmm... could also be something like a bad fridge motor that is running continuously or something.