It should be over soon though. My campus visit is the 4th and my final interview with the publishers is the 14th in NYC. And I would be thrilled with an offer from either.
Well, that's good. I hope you get the best one.
Ditto, Topic!Cindy. Or maybe it's you and not me. I dunno.
I gotta be me -- it had to be you?
Announcement from my mother: I will not, repeat NOT, be getting married at the Holiday Inn in Somerville, since she was served a cold banquet meal there this afternoon. Good thing, because I thought we were talking about the Harvard Faculty Club.
I just injured myself with my phone. How did I make it to 31, again?!
That does seem like a good question, doesn't it?
Good to know you mom is watching out for that sorta stuff, Jesse!
(she cracked me up.)
Anyone know how late TAR is running tonight?
That wasn't even the funniest part of the conversation. The rest was too long (and/or mean) to tell.
TAR alert! It's at least 20 minutes over.
She's totally right about the Holiday Inn in Somerville, too.
We are so going to have a F2F there, now.