How is the job search going?
Confusing. Just when I thought I had made up my mind about leaving academia for publishing, I went to this conference and got super validated research-wise. And then I got invited for a campus visit at a Top 10 liberal arts college. So, good, but mentally exhausting.
Just when I thought I was out, they pulled me back in...
It should be over soon though. My campus visit is the 4th and my final interview with the publishers is the 14th in NYC. And I would be thrilled with an offer from either.
That's terribly whiplashy. But I'm glad it got you to B'more that one time! And that you're getting a lot of validation from all sorts of different angles.
It's not you, it's me.
Ditto, Topic!Cindy. Or maybe it's you and not me. I dunno.
dog v. snake. This one has a happier ending than dog v. thumbtack.
I vant to be alone
now to vacuum
I read this as valium, and it was a much different montage I was picturing.
That's what the liquor is for.
Okay. Bread is baked. Grocering is done (and under budget!), dog had a wonderful time in the park and seems perfectly healthy. I still have to put away the laundry and the rest of the luggage, but I think I'll have time to start work on my materials list and be able to call it a productive day.
I hope ita's doing okay.
I mean, I don't need to send her any well wishing on the actual krav as I trust her ability and discipline. I just want her body and her brain to hang in there for such a grueling endurance test.
She was in my dream during my nap today.
V. v. freaky dream, though not the part she was in. I need to not watch cable news and then go nap.