I remember standing on top of that snowbank with a shovel, staring down at the roof of my car, thinking, "You have got to be fucking kidding me."
If that happened to me, I'd just stay put until summer, I swear. The Presidents' Day storm a few years back had me losing my mind. Snow as tall as my car!
Timesheets at the end of the pay period, paid the following Friday.
Let me tell you, it really sucks to start a new job and get no paycheck for three weeks. Everything had to go on the credit card, since I'd been mostly cleaned out by rent and deposits. And I had no bed! Didn't wait for that paycheck to get Devi, though. Priorities, heh.
We get paid about two weeks after the end of the pay period. For example: this payperiod ends tomorrow - we'll get paid for it on the 28th. And we'll get paid for the next payperiod on March 15th.
express checkout lane snotted at me that it was for valentines only
You have GOT to be kidding! That's just...just... I have no words for how INSANE that is!
The cashier at the supermarket's only express checkout lane snotted at me that it was for valentines only, forcing me to
A valentine's ONLY lane?
What? What the -- WHAT? AUGH.
We get paid about two weeks after the end of the pay period. For example: this payperiod ends tomorrow - we'll get paid for it on the 28th. And we'll get paid for the next payperiod on March 15th.
Huh. Now I don't feel so bad.
If it's really a hassle, can you choose to get paid by check
on payday
rather than via the so-called convenience of direct deposit?
(I've also waited three weeks for a paycheck. Oh, that was no fun. And then the day I got paid my ATM card didn't work and I couldn't deposit the check...I cried to the bank lady.)
Valentine's only check out line? WTF ! I'd be calling the manager to complain, especially after being stuck behind Crazy Cat Lady.
Yeah. Because apparently making sure the one other guy in the lane was able to get out swiftly with his $3 single rose is more important than relieving the backup of four-cart deep grocery lanes where people are spending high double or low triple digits each.
I'm going back after work tonight and having a sit-down with their manager.
If that happened to me, I'd just stay put until summer, I swear.
You know what helped? The people who kept stopping to point and laugh. I am capable of superhuman power when thoroughly enraged.