weirdly chipper, with her "Stay awake and have fun with Mama!" brain clearly at war with her "Need more sleep, for the love of all that's holy!" body
My "Dear Goddess, let me sleep!" body is at war with my "All fools must die!" brain, which is warrring with my "you need to get paid" conscience.
"Gronk" sums up my day nicely. Problem being, I"m working on a quick turn-around matter....
I WANT to go wedding dress shopping with bon. AWESOME!
At my work Christmas party this year, one of my co-workers didn't believe me when I told him I was 32. I "No way, girl!" was his response. I asked him how old he thought I was, hoping for the late twenties number.
"I thought you were 40, at least."
Effing ouch.
(Not that there is anything wrong with being 40 or that people don't look good at 40. 40 = great age. But having 8 years added on was a bit ouchies.)
I had that "let me sleep, damnit!" moment last night, when Amarna decided to jump on the bed not an hour after I fell asleep and walk all over my head, meowing full blast. When I pushed her off the bed, she proceeded to go to my bookshelf and pull paperbacks off the bottom shelf in protest (I woke up this morning to find seven books laying on the floor).
Oh, and not to make today all about me, but in last night's swim, I finally (after four weeks of swimming) found my rhythm for doing the front crawl!! I was fed up with my usual "flail, flail, pantpantpant" method of swimming as hard as I could and then running out of steam 3/4th of the way through the lap, forcing an extended break after every lap. So, I decided to slow it down and just go for an evenly paced, leisurely mile. It still took me 90 minutes to complete like it did before, but I wasn't so out of breath at the end of it (although my muscles were still wobbly).
"I thought you were 40, at least."
DUDE. Who *says* that? Have your co-workers been raised by wolves? That is seriously the dumbest ass thing ever to say to anyone.
DUDE. Who *says* that? Have your co-workers been raised by wolves? That is seriously the dumbest ass thing ever to say to anyone.
Must have been. Some people = idjits.
Hivemind request:
DH wants an iPod product for going to the gym. We do not have an extensive music library, nor will DH be using the iPod for major entertainment purposes beyond a 40 minute workout.
Will a shuffle suffice? Or should we shoot for an actual iPod or a Nano?
I'm considering shuffles for both of us (he doesn't want to share.)
"I thought you were 40, at least."
Yeah, I got this comment about 3 days after I turned 28. ("But you're so mature!")
Either the shuffle or the Nano would be better, because if you're going to use it while working out, the flash memory will stand up better to that than an actual hard drive. (The shuffle and the Nano both have flash memory, right?)