We just got Sumi's storm--lightening, thunder, and rain all coming down like a monsoon. At least I have my umbrella with me!
Yep. I got rained and hailed on. (The hail was the size of lemon-drops - the small ones.) At one point there was bright lightning and then loud thunder only one second later. That means it struck 1/5th mile away, right?
Oh, dear. That was completely delicious. I feel like a traitor. I have no idea why yoghurt cheese even exists, but I am glad it does. That and jalapenos and baby spinach and roasted tomatoes (almost certainly me cheating) and roast beef.
I think I have to make another before I go finish today's erranding.
I heard that there was hail, but I didn't see any.
I don't have a pantry, but I tend to have all of the following in my cupboards at all times: regular lentils, french (green) lentils, red lentils, split peas, basmati rice, risotto rice, wild rice, assorted skinny and chunky pastas (2-3 kinds of each), orzo, cous cous, barley. Those are all dry. Canned (2 or more cans of each): cannellini beans, black beans, chili beans in sauce, chick peas, whole tomatoes, diced tomatoes. (Plus, you know, oils, vinegars, spices, 86 kinds of tea, crackers, felafel mix, breakfast cereal, baking supplies...)
Add meat and fresh vegetables and you can make a hell of a lot of stuff.
Did you know Rudi's Organic Bakery makes 5g carb/slice bread?
There are some impressive avalanche pictures at the Juneau Empire's home page: [link]
I'm not sure how long they'll stay at that main link. Probably at least today.
xposty with Bitches.
A bunch of pictures of the Stockholm subway: [link]
What's cool is that in many of these, the walls and ceilings are bare rock - like you might expect to find NORAD in there. And the platforms themselves look rather scifi-ish. Plus a lot of the bare walls have artwork painted on them.
Wonkette made me laugh....
America Prepares for War On Mordor
Helen Clark, leader of a ragtag band of humans locked in a death struggle with endless hordes of Orcs “down under,” got a pledge of help from the president of the United States today.
“I assured her that our government would want to help in any way we can,” said Bush, who announced that he would personally lead his finest warriors into battle against the fiends, cutting their foul flesh from their bounds with their American-forged broadswords.
It’s not the first time that the United States has intervened in the affairs of Middle Earth. “The U.S. is focusing on the problems of the South Pacific,” said Clark, the so-called “Prime Minister” of “New Zealand.” “We’ve had close coordination,” which mostly involved 1.6 billion gold hundredpieces of direct military aid to the beseiged humans, as well as U.S. “advisors” stiffening their ranks.
The offer of American troops would represent the first use of U.S. military might in a supernatural conflict since the Ark of the Convenant defeated the Germans in World War II.
Astronaut vs. caveman! [link] OK, I guess it's suppose to be Martian astronaut vs. caveman.
From Ron Turner's sci-fi pulp art
A gallery of sci fi pulp covers painted by british illustrator and comics artist Ron Turner for british pulp magazines in the 1950s.
Watch out for the snow, libkitty!
I stayed awake for my whole haircut! Yay.