Scarlet Pimpernel:
France has a revolution in which pretty people have to die. England attempts to smuggle pretty people out of France to preserve the overall prettiness factor. French actress and her English boob husband travel in France. Mayhem ensues. Boobs turn out not to be as booby as you might think. The end.
My pantry is pretty well stocked and least with the stuff we eat all the time, so that I usually only have to buy the fresh ingredients for the week. I try to stock up when things are on sale. I could probably make dinners for quite a while just based on what is in my pantry and my freezer.
I can eat jicama until I make myself sick on it. I love the stuff.
Plei is me. Jicama is of the YUM.
Quiet today. I will retell something funny that someone said to me this weekend that describes my day today: it was Sunday night, and he asked how my weekend had been. I was puzzled about a question that specific.
"Weekend? Don't you mean week?"
"I don't need to ask about your work week. I just assume it's 'beat my own Tetris score!'"
I just like to say "jicama." It's fun -- try it!
HICK-a-muh! HICK-a-muh!
All I know about jicama I learned from Top Chef.
Steph, thank you for preventing me from embarrassing myself sometime in the future by mispronouncing that. Because I would've.
Hell, I can pronounce Spanish, and my brain was going ji-CAH-ma. Sad. Though not as sad as the people I've heard prounounce Mojave as "Mo-jayve"--which sounds like a Motown subsidiary.
my brain was going ji-CAH-ma.
That's how my brain pronounces it. Even with the "H" sound, I still want to stress the second syllable like your brain does.
The "HICK-a-muh" pronunciation came from my bro the chef, so if it's incorrect, blame him.