I think in general, the first time I try a recipe I follow it as exactly as I can, but after that -- if I use it often I play with it.
I say this despite the fact that sometimes, I take ideas from several recipes to do one dish. Assuming I understand the overall technique.
Why can't you people just read my mind when I leave important clarifying phrases out of my posts?
I, of course, read your mind perfectly. I'm just making sure everyone else gets the jist.
Today is day 1 meal 1 of the great carb depletion diet. Raiding the cupboards has provided me with one pre-workout applicable meal, which is a blueberries & cream (literally--all my milks had too much sugar) soy protein smoothie. It's really disgusting. I need to go grocery shopping to make it through these two days.
From the subpoena article, about stripping Gonzalez' office of the ability to appoint federal prosecutors without Senate approval:
The White House had signaled last week that it would not oppose the legislation if it also passed the House and reached Bush's desk.
Gee, 94-2 in the Senate and he decided not to oppose... will wonders never cease?
My favorite low-carb dessert was frozen blueberries (still frozen) with cream poured over. It was like ice cream! OK, not really.
The Last Supper, with dogs: [link]
Who eats grilled romaine at all? Isn't it, like, lettuce?
A favorite restaurant does a grilled lettuce salad and it seems weird but it's actually kind of delicious. And I just made a recipe from this month's gourmet that has shrimp and stir fried romaine. And it was perfectly yummy.
Oh, bother. I think I just ran out of internet.
Well, now I'm all hopped up on protein and done with my customer service calls. Time Warner gets dinged down on two counts, because the person I spoke to first was contradicted on both his answers by the person he escalated me to.
On top of that, when I asked for escalation he said he'd see if there was "a manager that will take your call." Will? Will? Motherfucker, I'm the customer. At least lie and say "can."
Time Warner sucks donkey balls. Four months in a row, their automated payment system kept dropping a zero from the end of my balance, so it would say I owed X dollar and six cents, instead of X dollars and sixty cents. This did not fill me with confidence, so I made my payment to a person each time, and each time I mentioned that something was wrong with their system. Never fixed. I mean, it's only money.