Late to the conversation, but what the hell... Demerol is my favorite drug, though I've only had it once. That was some carefree-making, time-altering shit right there.
I came out of general anesthesia perfectly calm, and I swear I remember everything from waking up in the OR, to being in recovery and getting a morphine drip, to going to my room where my family was and seeing how often I could get the machine to beep and give me more drugs. No nausea, thank god. The weirdest part about being completely under was that from the time I went under to when I woke up four or so hours later, it felt like only a few seconds. No sense of time having passed like when I sleep. So bizarre.
I heart Percocet, too, which was my take-home drug after surgery and for leg pain during chemo. It just sort of gives me a really pleasant buzz while it makes the pain recede. It does make me itchy, though. Not that I care.
I had Vicodin for dental pain, and it didn't do squat, but that pain was the worst pain I've ever had in my life, so I'm not sure it was really Vicodin's fault.
In conclusion: Drugs, yay!
This is also encouraging:
It is. Plus the timing is interesting too....
Wuh-oah. What'd Mac do?
Glad to hear he's getting promoted. Given what you've detailed of his insane rate of picking up experience and language, the challenge of 1st sounds like his speed. Man, I'd love to visit. If I can get my act together and still give y'all plenty of normal non-event time. With my sucky planning and acting on planning, you'll get plenty of normal!
lots of disrespect in afterschool. and this is not the first report, just an escalation. he's testing and I reacted enough to get his attention. at least for a little while. he is going to be mr. mischief. my parents are enjoying watching my payback.
visit anytime after the first week of april and the last week in june. after that span of time, things get less sure or normalcy.
I have been advised that COBRA is a law, and therefore doesn't deserve the rage directed at it earlier today.
I want a law people follow. That'd be cool. Then I wouldn't owe various parties thousands and thousands of dollars.
That'd totally rock.
hee. Mom's been asking me what my summer plans are. I guess I oughta make them.
Hey, so, if you start seeing a weird spiral pattern in your eyeline, no matter where you look, that might be a sign you're too tired, right? Either that or I'm having the gentlest, least painful, most psychedelic aneurysm ever.
(What's really weird is, when I take off my glasses, it's still there, but fuzzier.)
Why, when I hallucinate, does it end up looking like a moving Piet Mondrian painting? Kind of like what would happen if Q-Bert went haute couture.
Could be a migraine aura.
I know it's late in the day, but for anyone following my jury duty saga, I got released today without getting picked. In retrospect yesterday, I think my nearly palpable excitement about being near a criminal trial might have doomed me. And the experience practicing criminal law, but the first year associate next to me got picked. What was wrong with me? I promise I'll convict/exonerate the defendants!
Anyway, the best part about today? I didn't have to go to court until ten, got released for the day at noon, and spent the afternoon walking the city in the sunshine and having a boozy lunch. For the first weekday in weeks I came home without a serious headache!
Please don't have eyeball cancer, Nutty.
Reading about the political brouhaha it's clear the Senate is pissed off. Bush is seriously infringing on Congressional oversight. The Senate is not going to take that lying down - especially from a weakened, unpopular lame duck Pres.