They used to give me compazine as an anti-nausea precaution, but I just can't. It gives me a panic attack and I have to leave the hospital as soon as possible. So I don't even stay around to get enough painkillers.
I can't combat it. It's very disquieting.
When I came out of my first general, after I don't even remember what, I needed to know the time. Then I'd drop out again, wake up, and need to know the time. Since I didn't have a watch and there was no clock in the room, the nurses didn't like me much, since I beeped them every time I came to.
They also ended up binding my hand to a board because I was flailing enough that blood was going *up* the IV.
My last IV dilaudid turned into intra-muscular when the needle slipped out of the vein when they went back for the second 2mg. The nurse didn't notice I was in pain, mostly because I kept staring at the IV site and frowning, muttering "That really hurts. That shouldn't hurt. Ow."
Luckily I don't go to the ER alone, so my friend ran out and got her back in. She shrugged and said "Well, intra-muscular will take longer, but it'll last longer." And that was pretty much it. No way to undo it.
Come to think of it, fentanyl was kind of fun.
Kind of? Darling you'd be a fentanyl junkie if you had access. You lurved it.
SpaceX just had another abort. This time it was after engine start. But the webcast has no audio so I don't know what happened.
Snagged from Salon, here's a snippet of a Tony Snow op-ed regarding Exeuctive Privilege during the Ken Starr investigations:
I really wish more people would pay attention to the incredible hypocracy of this administration and its supporters. 'Cuz there's been a million similar examples.
My dad come out from under anesthesia Ribald is polite. Bawdy is also a bit polite. Luckily all the poor folks he's harassing have claimed to think it is hilarious. He does bawdy in select company, but not like this. This is like ALL his filters are off and he's the worst jokester horny pre-teen boy ever. He's said things that make him stutter and avoid eye contact when told about it afterwards.
He also has that reaction to the twilight sleep thing, so they don't do that anymore cause it's hard to operate on a laughing patient.
Opiates (I guess I assume they're all opiates) like percoset always make me itchy, and never make me nauseous. A little dreamy, and no pain at first, and then later incredibly talkative and happy.
I need to stay far away from pain meds, because I like them far too much. I've never met one I wouldn't take again, happily.
Christ, COBRA has fucked me again. Apparently I don't have health insurance. I don't even want to guess at the thousands of dollars of care I've racked up this year.
But I've paid my COBRA premiums. They just haven't told my insurance company. This is an ongoing nightmare. Good thing insurance on the new job starts day 1 (even if I haven't picked a provider yet, yay!) But I'd really like to see my doctors now, when I have free time.
Good god, ita.
The one reaction I had (just once) to NO was that colors changed. Not dreamy like, either. Just SNAP and the red and yellow and purple butterfly I was looking at was blue and green and black. It was disconcerting. There was no other effect, and it never happened again.
Christ, COBRA has fucked me again. Apparently I don't have health insurance. I don't even want to guess at the thousands of dollars of care I've racked up this year.
But I've paid my COBRA premiums. They just haven't told my insurance company.
WTF???? I imagine it will be a nightmare unto impossibility to make either of the following happen, but a) your insurance needs to take that up with COBRA and otherwise pay up, and/or b) COBRA owes you a full refund.
No. No. Not with ER visits. The bills are through the roof. She doesn't want a full refund. COBRA needs to fix their mistake.