Whether you are for or against the serial comma, this is just crazy talk:
One use of a comma is as a replacement for "and" or "or," so to use a comma before the last word in a series is to say, for example, "the flag is red and white and and blue."
LOVED The Riches last night! I'm going to watch it again tonight, I think. Really starting to love the kids.
ION: Random stuff I learned today.
The 23rd is National Puppy Day! Tomorrow is National Common Courtesy Day, and the 31st is National Bunsen Burner Day. This is also National Frozen food month.
Names for the @ symbol:
apenstaartje: Dutch for "Monkey's tail"
snabel: Danish for "Elephant's trunk
kissanhnta: Finnish for "Cat's tail"
klammeraffe: German for "Hanging monkey"
papaki: Greek for "Little duck"
kukac: Hungarian for "Worm"
dalphaengi: Korean for "Snail"
grisehale: Norwegian for "Pig's tail"
sobachka: Russian for "Little dog"
I've seen the comma=and argument in the past, and I think it's a crock of shit. Especially since, as the Times woman admits, when you're using semicolons instead of commas, in a complicated list, you
include the final semicolon before the and.
CNN's reporting that they've found that missing Boy Scout alive. Yay.
There is a client sitting in the reception area who keeps snorting and snorting and hocking and SNORTING. Would it be wrong if I chucked a couple of Benadryl over the side of my cube, and screamed for her to get out get out get out?
A comic for Buffistas: [link]
"Your date's over, mister." - cool article about two women in a bar who spotted a guy trying to slip a drug into his date's beer.
I love the serial comma fight! I'm for 'em, but most places I've worked have been a'gin 'em.
There is a client sitting in the reception area who keeps snorting and snorting and hocking and SNORTING. Would it be wrong if I chucked a couple of Benadryl over the side of my cube, and screamed for her to get out get out get out?
Incredibly disgusting snorting client has left the building. Thank you, snotty baby Jesus.
The New Yorker does Children's Interpretations of Grown-Up Conversations: [link]
GRANDMOTHER: Did you see the politics? It made me angry.
DAD: Me, too. When it was over, I had sex.
UNCLE: I’m having sex right now.
DAD: We all are.
MOM: Let’s talk about which kid I like the best.
DAD: (laughing) You know, but you won’t tell.
MOM: If they ask me again, I might tell.