Watching Space:1999 DVDs. I do like their episode 1 uniforms--mock turtlenecks with a zipper down one side of the neck and all the way to the cuff of the sleeve. The beige is boring, but the Nice and spare. The shiny wide belts are an interesting design decision.
Why was the future analogue in 1975? It's all oscilloscopes all the time.
Obviously the science that turns the moon into a huge spaceship is wrong, but I couldn't help wondering what happens to us if the moon were to suddenly disappear? Bodies of water would average out with no high and low tides, but what else?
There was a documentary on Discovery, I think, about what if we didn't have a moon. I recall they said that the earth's rotational axis would shift erratically, making the seasons unpredictable and severe.
Werewolves would find their lives easier?
But seriously, the moon stabilizes the Earth's rotation. Apparently the North and South poles would end up pointing in all sorts of directions - even directly at the Sun. And tons of creatures rely on tides as part of their life cycles.
What is it about the planet that needs a moon for stabilisation of its orbit? The Platonic planet wouldn't, would it?
Also, why are blueberries so damned tasty? Did the moon make it so?
Okay, over at TWOP they're saying that TAR is about 45 minutes delayed.
What is it about the planet that needs a moon for stabilisation of its orbit? The Platonic planet wouldn't, would it?
Didn't they just decide Plato isn't a planet??
why are blueberries so damned tasty?
I don't know, but they are pretty wonderful. I've discovered dried blueberries, which sound kind of meh, but are delicious when fresh aren't available. They're like virtuous candy.
What is it about the planet that needs a moon for stabilisation of its orbit?
Dunno. I've been curious about that for a while. I would tend to think that the earth's rotation would make it stable like a gyroscope, but I guess not. Although the fact that Earth has a molten core and/or oceans might mess up stability. (Just a guess.)
TAR just started here (50 minutes late).
ETA: Of course, I just got back from Texas so I'm still watching last week's episode.
Didn't they just decide Plato isn't a planet??
You, young lady, are to go sit in the corner and feel sorry for yourself and your smart mouth.
I need more blueberries. They are in my fridge, but I've been eating them by handfuls all afternoon, and we have a dinner reservation in just over an hour.
Maybe I should just drink water instead.
I would tend to think that the earth's rotation would make it stable like a gyroscope, but I guess not
Hmm. I would have too. Do any of the other planets in our system have wacky wobbles? In my head, I think I was imagining that the moon was part of the irregularity we already experience. Hmm again.
Tangentially, in a discussion of how I eat oranges, the word oblate came up, with both parties saying it at the same time. I'm pretty sure I've never co-said oblate before. And won't be surprised if I don't again.
And oranges aren't even that oblate.