Time for the plunging temperatures! Wheeeee. Or, possibly, feh.
Crap, that's right. Hopefully they get the roads cleaned up today.
I think I'll eat some cheesy rice, take a nap and maybe after that I'll walk over the mall and get some not-icky bread at Giant. And maybe a chicken to roast. I dunno. Maybe hit the Marshalls too.
When I went outside, I realized it wasn't nearly as bad as the TV people were making out, but then I realized that was because they had been standing outside for hours, and I only had to walk through it for ten minutes.
The sidewalks near GCT are *wretched*. The fancy expensive brick mosaic sidewalks that look pretty in the spring are slippery death traps in this snowice crap -- people were basically cross-country skiing.
Wait -
said this hibernation thing isn't for humans?
I'm working from home today! Which means I get to take cat breaks, and work in my PJs while watchign the bird in the window feeder. God bless winter!
tommyrot, I only WISH I had a root and a kayak.
Seriously, I didn't even try. If it's a Level 2 here, and a Level 3 less than 20 miles north.... my crap-ass job is not worth my life. (According to my source of inside info within my school, if they fully closed the office it would have to count as a calamity day, and we're running short on those, if not completely out, and they don't want to bring the state DoE down on our heads. Feh.)
This is why I hate weather days.
Go nap! Choose nap!
I'm working from home today! Which means I get to take cat breaks, and work in my PJs while watchign the bird in the window feeder.
Feh! on you.
Well at least I get to take dog breaks. (Although petting the doggie is not as fun as warm kitty on lap.)
Man, I only WISH I had some root and a cat!
Man, I only WISH I had some root and a cat!
Well, once your cat eats your root and vomits it all over the carpet, you might not think that....
Water delivery guy was just here. He's totally bought off Lulu (boss's German shepherd) with treats - he brings some for her every time he makes a water delivery.