A blog I frequent is having a sorta' contest to see if anyone can figure out what this is: [link]
My guess is that it's some sort of medical device. Maybe a radiation treatment thingie?
Here's the blog entry: [link] Scroll down. Although I want the thing above it, whatever it is....
Connie, that's funny. Early Saturday morning has become the time when I go to town on my bills.
Heh. I need to balance this morning as well. I don't always do it on Saturdays, but often.
Top o the morning to you!
Heh, around here today it's "Avoid Drunken Bostonians Day".
Yesterday my boss discovered Powerizers, which are a cross between pogo sticks and stilts -- they functionally turn your lower legs into kangaroo springs. It turns out there's a bunch of Powerizer vids on Youtube, like this one:
(The spelling may actually be Poweriser, because I believe it was invented in the UK, at least the ones I've seen for sale seem to be imported from there....)
I look at these and go, wow and also: I would kill myself.
A blog I frequent is having a sorta' contest to see if anyone can figure out what this is: [link]
Clearly, it is a device to capture souls.
So this 35 year old dude from Orlando on a cruise with his 16yo godson jumps off the ship and somehow survives 8 hours in the ocean before the coast guard finds him. [link]
Ah, spring break.
Aw. They're showing a story about this guy and his dogs -
He took them out one morning for their usual Sat AM hike up a mountain, and when they got there, one of the dogs, who loved that hike, just flat refused to go. He was worried she was sick, so he took them back home. And had a heart attack an hour later.
(Whereupon the same dog
brought him the phone
so he could call 911.)
t looks askance at dog
Well, I'm reasonably certian she doens't actively
me to have a heart attack. That's about as far as I'm prepared to go, though.
Me? I just call the cops. I don't invite them in!
Once you've invited them in, thereafter they're always welcome.
Or maybe that's vampires. I disremember.
Heh, around here today it's "Avoid Drunken Bostonians Day".
Fortunately, we're all still in shape from doing the same on New Year's Eve.