Please be careful, all you ice having people. I hate driving in that stuff. So does everyone around me since I crawl at a snail's pace. I figure it is getting even for all the old folks that come to Florida and drive at half the speed limit. Thankfully I don't have to drive in it very often.
I really hope the block does wonderful things for you ita. Sending thoughts of effectiveness your way.
70 degrees and sunny in Pasadena.
But you know, we're overdue for an epic earthquake, so I am not taunting stormocalypse.
It was beautiful here today. Sunny and chilly, more like fall than spring - I find chilly in spring tends to come with the ick. But not today.
Okay! So apparently a dude was murdered in the building behind ours, and three hot Homicide Detectives came by to question everyone in our apartment building, and I missed it all because I was at the bar.
Um, sorry? I, on the other hand, got home, had another beer, and then remembered at like midnight that I had a seven am conference call this morning.
Re mattresses. My sister and I have the same mattress, about the same age, but for some reason she thinks mine is much more comfortable. Shrug.
I think the big mattress conundrum is that IME they tend to have pretty aggressive sales people, and I've never figured out how you get comfortable enough to actually like down naturally and for a long enough time to get a feel for it in that kind of environment.
That's when you tell the pushy salesperson, "I need you to back off. You're not helping," like the turtle in the Comcast commercial (at first, I hated those ads, but now I find them hilarious).
mac talk
while waiting for a webpage to load and it taking a while - "I think this might be crazy."
while waiting for a webpage to load and it taking a while - "I think this might be crazy."
I think he's right. The pinwheel of death should be changed to eyes spinning around in a head.
70 degrees and sunny in Pasadena.
I keep forgetting that you WORK here. We should grab dinner some night. I'm usually home by 5ish.
I should have gone on to the PO and supermarket while I was out this afternoon. It was just a little ice then. Now there's snow piled up against my door, and I'm out of milk and meds. Neither of these situations is dire, but certainly annoying. Also, if I don't send all these boots that don't fit back to Zappos and Endless, I'll soon have no money left. That free shipping, man. "I can buy a pair in both posible sizes and send back the ones that don't fit!" Never mind it ties up my cash until I get over the lazy enough to box them back up and go to the PO.
Glad everyone in the ice-and-snowpocalypse made it home safe! ita, your poor head. I hope you feel better soon. And how good of that cab driver to bring you your keys!
I was going to get my nails done tonight, but I decided to bail on it and do it tomorrow so that I could come home and wear my jammies.
I made a mistake in my grocery shopping on my way home from work -- I got too much heavy stuff to carry in one hand, so I had no umbrella hand, which kind of sucked. I thanked all the people outside clearing the sidewalks on my street, especially the mother and daughter -- everyone else was supers. And I didn't go get my eyebrows done, which was also a mistake. Ah well. Now I am cozy in my house, and don't know when I'll leave again!