I had a whole bunch of stuff typed up to say, and then my computer crashed. And as I was typing this, it crashed again. I hate this computer. I think it knows it, too.
I've never planned my wedding, or planned to have one. If I ever get hitched, I'll probably elope.
Okay, so Brenda and I are apparently both total slackers when it comes to making plans, but somehow we still get shit done. I'm off to meet her for drinks in a couple of minutes!
I seriously don't know how this turned into Social Week for me.
I saw the talk last week at Caltech, tommyrot. It was hella fun.
Okay, we totally need to invite this woman to the board:
Writing, reading, jujitsu, funky museums, biking, movies and DVDs, cooking, travel, crossword puzzles, Jackie Chan movies, theater, my iPod, John Donne's poetry, gothic horror, Edward Gorey, Emily the Strange, tarot cards, history, mythology, fairy tales, science, NUMBERS, HOUSE, FULLMETAL ALCHEMIST, all things BUFFY, and THE X-FILES.
I've got
Physics of the Buffyverse,
but I haven't read it, yet.
I have a real hard time NOT crossing myself when I go to a Catholic wedding that includes a mass. So reflexive.
Girl finds missing dog's head in box on doorstep
The person who did that? A very bad person.
Timelies all!
I didn't start planning my wedding until I was, you know, actually engaged.
And G was as involved in the planning as I was.
Sheryl, you crazy radical!
Oh, lord. Watching The State Within (BBC America) and I have never had such an emotional reaction to an
execution in film or TV. I'm in tears. And startled by it. I think it's not just that he's innocent, nor that he's in a country not his own being betrayed by his former employers, but something about the small dignities they gave him just for a few minutes--the earring, the nice shirt and jacket--the jacket which was removed as soon as he was strapped down for the lethal injection anyway, and the transparently manipulative fall of the medal to the ground as his hand slackened in death. I totally wasn't planning to cry today. Or to wish fictional characters to their fictional hells.
In unrelated news, the hand soap I most recently bought has a scent that I can't tolerate, so that's one whole purchase wasted. I so thought I'd sniffed it in the store. Need to work out where I got the good hand wash the last time.
Dude! I can buy refills right off that site! I love the net. If only it could close sarameg's window, it'd be perfect.
I hold on to the notion that there were actually two days in school when they separated the boys and the girls, and clearly I was sick for the other one.
I have a similar idea, that there were some girl-classes that I missed. One of them apparently involved pedicures. It was probably the week I was out sick and also missed that crucial week of pre-algebra. Damn it.
I have occasionally looked at wedding dresses and decided which one I thought was prettier. I don't think I've ever seriously imagined myself wearing one. I'm okay with
married, but
married, ugh. The whole "Now go be the center of attention and declare your feelings publicly in front of friends and family" seems like the worst psychological torture you could inflict on me.