Kat! Been missing seeing you around.
I must admit, agave bread sounds so damned weird to me. Mainly because my parents had a HUGE agave plant in their front yard that took a gardening crew nearly a week to remove. It involved chainsaws hacking it to bits and a heavy duty truck with a winch and then chains and a huge pit and ...it was such a debacle. I have negative agave associations. Besides, those things are pokey. It was nice when it was small. But 15 years of access to excess water....
Kat! Been missing seeing you around.
We were just saying this this afternoon too. Cass says hi!
Hey, Kat! Yeah, I swapped agave nectar for the honey in my standard bread recipe. Curious.
It's a little chewy, a little sour, killer crust.
The crust in the pictures I've seen looks amazing.
Okay, off to try my bread which I do not trust.
You know what's good? A monte cristo sandwich made with challah. OMG.
What's even better? That sandwich with a raspberry chipotle jam.
I want fresh baked bread. And some mental help. And some brute physical help too.
all of you people stop making me hungry.
I think I'm going to put some olives and maybe cheese in the no-knead bread next time.
Taunt me with chile cheese bread. (Mom has still not gotten around to sending me any. They keep "eating" it before she gets to the post office. But given the last package took 20 days to get here, probably for the best.)
How's school going?
~ma, Tom
What does it say to me that I found the "final" Calvin & Hobbes cartoon much sadder than the Robot Chicken claymation?
I have the same reaction. I think because the claymation is not "really" C&H, it's clearly a spoof and does not impinge on my beliefs about Hobbes's reality, while the cartoon is too close to the original for my lizard-brain to dismiss.
How's school going?
My friend S lent me her rolly chair so I spend almost no time on my feet. which is good. the doc is threatening bedrest if I have any contractions next week.