I liked the Calvin and Hobbes one more because it did push my buttons. I have no particular emotional response to the Peanuts one, despite having been raised on their personalities.
The C&H was awful and sad. So maybe "like" isn't the right word and "appreciated" is somewhat closer.
The C&H was awful and sad.
Oh dear. At least I can now check that off my list of things to remember to do when I get home.
I am weirdly calm right now. I guess I should use it to continue to do work, but I'm not so inclined to.
Whereas I found it awful and angry-making. I had a very visceral, I'm sure irrational, reaction to it.
Whereas I found it awful and angry-making. I had a very visceral, I'm sure irrational, reaction to it.
So not watching it. It sounds like it would just put me in a very bad mood.
Lots of ~ma to you, Tom.
I have a job interview in half an hour. I should probably go brush my teeth or something, since I have hot chocolate breath, I guess.
I do really want this new job because of the better pay scale and all, but, damn, baby-having has afflicted me with permanent office-job ennui.
Oh, Tom. It sucks, doesn't it? It totally sucks and who in their right mind wants to even DEAL with the rough patches anyway, because it's ugly and messy and might just rip your guts out and then stomp on them.
The rough patches suck, honey, and the worst thing about them is that they HAVE to suck so badly. If they didn't, you wouldn't be making any progress. If they didn't suck so horrifically, that wouldn't be called "therapy," it would be called "denial." Or my favorite, "repression."
But getting through the rough patches is what gets you to a point where you realize, "Hey! I'm not as fucked-up as I used to be!" or possibly "Yeah, I'm fucked-up, but now I know how to deal with it in a manner that involves almost no bloodshed!"
Getting though the rough patches = getting "better."
All I can say is to promise you that it's worth it. It is SO worth every bit of the hell you're going through.
Actually, that's NOT all I can say -- I can say this, too, with 100% certainty: you CAN handle this. You absolutely can. You may not WANT to, which is totally understandable, but I know that you CAN.
baby-having has afflicted me with permanent office-job ennui.
Just call me an overachiever, because I got meself afflicted without having to have a baby.
Damn TurboTax. I don't want to pay for filing my state return. I just want to file federal. I suppose I should just suck it up.
Jilli, I think you especially shouldn't watch the clip.
Does it make you feel any better to know that when you smiled at me in SF, I wanted to giggle like a freshman?
Tom, I believe in you.
I am not a huge fan of Robot Chicken but I'm curious. Can someone w/f for me why this calvin episode is so disturbing?
Jilli, I think you especially shouldn't watch the clip.
From everyone's various comments about it, I think you're very right.