I suspect that (being in Chicago and not DC or wherever) I won't have an excuse not to go in tomorrow. But man, it's crazy out there.
Man, I know! The winter storm warning is in effect until 9am tomorrow, and the snow has piled up something fierce. I wish I could justify a snow day. I'll probably just end up settling for being late, since I imagine it's going to take me an insane amount of time to get to work tomorrow.
That was such a cool House!
Are they setting up Cuddy/House? Just when House and Wilson are getting back together? And Chase has a brain! Though he better kick Cameron to the curb--though he's cute when he has a wicken grin.
Were there previews?
I imagine it's going to take me an insane amount of time to get to work tomorrow.
Just make sure you're going to be home in time for FNL. I'm still wibbling from last week.
Even if I get trapped in public transportation hell tomorrow, my TiVo will make sure I don't miss FNL.
I took my computer home just in case (because dude, how much would it suck to get the word to stay home but still have to go in because you don't have what you need here) but mostly it's just going to mean that I get to schlep that bag back with me tomorrow.
Thank the sweet baby Jesus for TiVos!
(What? I'm only thinking of shrift's best interests. I am not grateful for TiVos that allow me to watch and rewatch Coach and Mrs. Taylor being Coach and Mrs. Taylor. And Saracen! And Riggins! Nope. Not at all.)
I guess going to work tomorrow will be okay if I don't get stuck on a bus with a bunch of jovial morons who want to bond over the weather like I did on the way home today. I'd like to thank my iPod and the Dead Kennedys for keeping me from stabbing them all in the throat while possibly being taped by a security camera.
shrift, when I took the airport bus at xmas, the driver burst out with a tuneful "I'm dreaming of a white christmas" and the other passengers joined in. You would've died. Or someone woulda. (Me, I buried my curmudgeon enough to like the whole random people coming together thing. My weakness.)
Dude, you're taking the wrong bus line.
Well, see. I'm not so much a curmudgeon that I didn't laugh along with everyone else this morning when a moronic driver behind the bus kept honking, and the bus driver called him an asshole. Good times for all!
The people I got stuck with on the way home, however, reminded me of the glad-handers of a corporate retreat. Forced, overly familiar, and I was TRAPPED. Standing for an hour and a half without even a cocktail to keep me company.