Yeah, TiVo tightened up the requirements for a subscription quite a ways back -- it used to give you all sorts of annoying warnings but went ahead and let you manually schedule recording by time and date, but it was as unlabeled as any VCR tape, just time and date.
My Tivo went wonky and wouldn't connect to the service about 5 months ago, and I was able to manually record by time and channel. Hell remembering what it was, though.
You would think a prescription-strength antihistamine would make a dent in itchies, wouldn't you? Not so much. Have a "what the hell do I do now?" call into my doctor. Resisting either the circular saw option or the temptation to take a vegetable peeler to my arms.
Has Calamine lotion failed as well?
Simon outed Ryan.
He was
OMG Matt, half of every episode is devoted to his protestations of heterosex.
Haven't tried it, but cortisone, benadryl, and oatmeal bath have all failed.
You would think a prescription-strength antihistamine would make a dent in itchies, wouldn't you? Not so much. Have a "what the hell do I do now?" call into my doctor. Resisting either the circular saw option or the temptation to take a vegetable peeler to my arms.
have you tried a really hot shower? Like as hot as you can possibly stand it? Apparently, when the pain receptors activate, they override the itch receptors. The pain recedes, but the itch stays away.
Dana, a trick I learned from my allergist to deal with itchy rashes/hives was to take a hairdryer (seriously), and turn it on medium-hot, keep it about 4-5 inches away from your actual body part, and blow hot air on the rash/hives. Keep the hairdryer moving back and forth slowly, so that you don't inadvertently burn one spot.
It'll be really annoying at first, and kind of almost unbearable, and then suddenly the itching will stop. You have to give it a minute or two, though, but the itching WILL stop.
It really does work, swear to god. The heat just overloads the nerve endings, so they don't itch. The itchies stay away for a while (1-3 hours, IIRC), and then when they come back, you can do it again.
If you have a hairdryer, it's worth trying.
t edit
Heh. Anti-itch x-post of the Stephs!
Yikes, Dana. Please avoid cutting off limbs.
(It's also Steak And Blowjob Day.)
Valentine's Day for guys, right?
The advice I was given was to ice the area, which I suppose is the same theory of numbing the nerve endings. But if they'll stay away longer with a hair dryer, I can try that.