This is why I call people Monkey and Noodle, names just escape a great deal of the time. Also why I actually say stuff like, "the thing with the thing and the thing", on a regular basis.
scoots next to msbelle
This is me. Complete with saying "You know. The thing. That goes with the whatsit. That, er, the person mentioned."
I've been known to refer to the TV remote as "The thing that things the thing."
that. That. THAT. THAT!!!!
gesturing emphatically.
Anyone else use the term "ferwonked"? I did at work and was mocked.
forgot to announce here that mac is reading.
Woo hoo mac!
Now he needs his own account at "That Library Thing"!
the first book is very close to: mat sat. sam sat. mat sat on sam. sam sat on mat. mat sat. sam sat. the end.
on was VERY HARD.
tonight was something like: sam and cat. mat and cat. cat sat on sam. mat sat on sam. sam sad. mat sad. ok cat, ok mat, ok sam. sam sat. mat sat. the end.
Sam and Mat are very close, aren't they?