ita, over in Bitches earlier today, I couldn't think of "dust pan," and had to describe it as "the thing that you sweep debris into."
I once lapsed on the word headphones and came up with "ear goggles". My memory used to be scary good, and everything was kept in my head. Now that my brain's foggier, I've never developed the organizational skills to cope with not remembering everything. My pothead friend, on the other hand, has a serious faulty memory, so she is organized to a fault.
Oh Jesse, what you were saying about Running with Scissors? On the weekend I bought a cheesy YA novel to read to relax (Third of the Sisterhood of the Travelling Pants) and about 60 pages into it I realized that I had read it!!! There must be something in the water.
I'm so glad that wasn't just me!
Also, I can't think of words this week, either.
We are as one, people.
Heh. Yeah. Learning lines for a play is the easiy part.
The tough part is how to handle things when you or someone else
remember their lines. And don't let them fool you -- pros screw things up horribly with alarming regularity.
Kathy, I never had luck with no-fogs. I suspect you have to treat them with something to get continued no-fog. Of course, this was a decade ago, so.. I usually just slimed my goggles each swim with vaseline.
I once lapsed on the word headphones and came up with "ear goggles".
I am currently of the opinion that this approach describes the entire history of the development of the Chinese language.
I suspect you have to treat them with something to get continued no-fog. Of course, this was a decade ago, so.. I usually just slimed my goggles each swim with vaseline.
That works? Cool!
::adds Vaseline to shopping list::
Hey, Mike Rowe is doing Ford commercials now!
Ear goggles always reminds me of my granmother after her stroke. She could understand everybody, but the part of the brain that connected her thoughts to her words was gone, so she mostly she communicated by saying "Yes, yes, yes." or "No, no, no." until someone figured out what she wanted. One night they were trying to out her to bed without giving her a shot of brandy. (Her Dr. suggested sleep aid.) She grew more agitated and they couldn't figure out what was up and the yeses and nos were flying. Finally she blurted out "Bootleggers!" and my aunt realized that she had forgotten her brandy.
My memory used to be scary good, and everything was kept in my head. Now that my brain's foggier, I've never developed the organizational skills to cope with not remembering everything.
Sue is me.
I spent the other day in class trying to remember To Kill a Mockingbird. It was like something out of a game show: Gregory Peck in a movie. Harper Lee. The South. Atticus Finch. Couldn't remember the title.
I can't remember words for shit. And now things are worse because I have too much to remember.
Announcement: I am officially on vacation.
screw it. I'm too filled with Squee to analyze jack.
I'm too filled with Squee to analyze jack.
You don't need to analyze Jack. Just mix it with Coke.