Between this and the Walter Reed thing, the army is not looking so good these days.
There's also a bit in the article about the company that won the project, and their ties to Jeb Bush and their donations to the Republican party. And how they're in the middle of being sued by the Justice Department.
I'm pretty sure the Army Corps of Engineers was the villains in this ridiculous boring hippy board game I inexplicably loved as a child, so I'm never really surprised to hear bad things about them.
(I'm scared to try to track down the board game via google from work, because it was about beavers.)
Monkey! [link]
Baby monkey!
eta: Link doesn't work well - go to the Chicago Tribune and click on the monkey there.
Baby monkey!
"All I want is a finger monkey!" - Emmett, ages 3-10.
I don't understand how Gonzales hasn't resigned.
Can someone explain? bon? Lee? Anyone?
Crap, that didn't work right. Go to the Chicago Tribue and scroll down a little and click on the monkey on the left - the picture there is
Stupid Tribune - can never link directly to their slidshows.
I don't understand how Gonzales hasn't resigned.
Um, the Bush administration thinks they can do whatever they want, as long as the public outcry doesn't get too bad. And currently, the public outcry hasn't gotten bad enough.
I don't understand how Gonzales hasn't resigned.
Can someone explain? bon? Lee? Anyone?
Because incompetence and evil are two highly desireable traits in the Bush administration.
Ha ha! My favorite bit...
E-mails released Tuesday, however, revealed that the firings were considered and discussed for two years by Justice Department and White House officials.
"Obviously I am concerned about the fact that information — incomplete information was communicated or may have been communicated to the Congress," Gonzales said. "I believe very strongly in our obligation to ensure that when we provide information to the Congress, it is accurate and it is complete. And I very dismayed that that may not have occurred here."
Yes, Gonzo, I'm sure you are concerned that the emails reveal that you're a shitty political hatchet man, and that the firings were planned and politically motivated. I can see why that would concern you. Maybe if we had a little more spin context, though, we'd understand your point of view.