I love retro-futurist stuff.
This is a rare glimpse of how Moscow might have evolved, if communists had not come to power in 1917...
These amazing visions appeared in Russia at the turn of the century, in 1900 - probably one of the very first truly "Futuristic / Urban" series of images ever published (issued by the Joint Stock Publishing Company "Einem")
Of course, I disagree that all this stuff would have come about if there was no revolution....
I think it's more that Wayne is different. I think that's part of the whole setup for the show and why he is able to pull off being Doug. Somewhere he feels like he deserves it. He's too big for small time cons, married to royalty, and his daughter is not marrying some in-bred hick.
Oh for the good old days of air travel, when the stewardesses wore miniskirts and hot-pants....
eta: more: [link]
Do you think that Wayne is more a
long-con guy rather than a
grifter? (Did you expect to see
Sawyer somewhere -- he would have fit
right in.)
I think you're right. Can't wait to get more of the backstory! Also, the um...fore?story?
Does anyone know how many eps the Riches gets this season?
I think that it's 13 episodes. I hope we get to see all of them. (
was supposed to be 13 too, right?)
Nobody watched the Riches?
It's on my DVR. I was writing a paper last night and haven't had a chance to watch it yet.
Thief was filmed in Shreveport! I was so sad that show didn't work out. OTOH, look for my elementary school in Premonition!
I think he would probably rather do that. Though I couldn't see him with Sawyer, I could totally see him wanting to be one of Micky Stone's gang.
Tommyrot I was just looking at those Stewerdess pictures yesterday. I love the bubble helmet to protect their hairdo. As for futuristic Moscow, I seriously need somebody to make those snowmobiles.
I had a really good root beer on Sunday--Sprechers, from Wisconsin. Very yummy. The only thing that would have made it better would have been some B&J Vanilla ice cream (yummmm, root beer floats...)
Sprechter's is also a big favorite around Chez Zmayhem.
I love the bubble helmet to protect their hairdo
No, the bubble helmets are so they can breathe in space!!!
Except for the fact that they're open on the front. But I assumed the intention was to be evocative of Space Stewardesses.