I did that with All Tomorrows Parties. Didn't figure it out until I had read the second copy all the way through, though.
Oy. I mean, it's not the typical kind of thing, you know? And what stuck with me was the diner waitress? Fucked in the head, is what.
I bit the inside of my lip. In the same place I'd bitten it three times in the last 24 hours. This time it bled.
That happens to me all the time--when I bite it the first time it swells up, so biting it a second, third and fourth time becomes almost inevitable.
In my treadmill workout today, I was a bit tired so I doubled my warmup time but I added a minute, so I ended up doing the same distance that I did on Friday (1.03 mile). Now, however, my lower back is killing me (although that might be mostly due to PMS). I'm thinking about pulling out my heating pad.
Good thing was that it was so warm outside, even at 7:15 when I got home, that I was able to turn off the HVAC unit (that I had at minimal heat, anyway) and open up the sliding door to the balcony. Now, of course, it's a tad chilly, but the fresh air is so nice I'll leave it open for a bit.
Developers have turned a house into an island in China after the owner refused to move out.
That's JUST LIKE the Bugs Bunny episode where the developers want to put a freeway through where Bugs' hole is, and he won't move, and thwarts them at every turn (because that's what he does), and they end up building the freeway around his hole, which has turned into a column, kinda.
Anyone else remember that one?
I did that with All Tomorrows Parties. Didn't figure it out until I had read the second copy all the way through, though.
Yeah, but Gibson's plots are so complex I can totally reread his books over and over and over and still not remember some subplots or details.
Of course I could just not be smart enough to read him.
Anyone else remember that one?
Yes! Bugs bunny and his mad skills with the trowel.
The only way I can justify the Gibson re-read is that I knew I had read stuff that came soon after it chronologically, so I kept thinking the things that seemed familiar were referenced in the other books. Eta: there's not remembering details and there's thinking the whole thing is new, you know?
Anyone else remember that one?
But off course. I've seen every Looney Tune ever made. Probably dozens of times.
Guess who's coming for dinner? Gambler Phil and Actress Jennifer. We're taking them out (with the baby) to Alembic to quaff cocktails and eat lamb burgers and cassoulet and such.
ED gets another Fox Pilot.
Apparently I'm so removed from the buffyverse and emersed in the Grey'sverse that I first thought that ED stood for Eric Dane.
so. very. wrong.
that's called being a supertaster
I am...
avoids vegetables like a speeding bullet! leaps tall mounds of groceries with a single bound! more powerful than a dozen vegans!
That's JUST LIKE the Bugs Bunny episode where the developers want to put a freeway through where Bugs' hole is, and he won't move, and thwarts them at every turn (because that's what he does), and they end up building the freeway around his hole, which has turned into a column, kinda. Anyone else remember that one?
Yes! Love the Bugs.
I used to date a guy who liked to have sex while watching Bugs Bunny cartoons. I thought it was weird. ... and so of course now I do too. /random TMI factoid
Apparently I'm so removed from the buffyverse and emersed in the Grey'sverse that I first thought that ED stood for Eric Dane.
Better than my first thought....