Thank god there's wank today or I don't know what I'd do.
Oooh, where? f_w?
It was news to me at my doctor's appointment that I had a fever. The itchy seems to be the manifestation of a virus. I have a prescription antihistamine that's supposed to have the side effect of knocking me out. As yet, I remain awake and itchy.
This also probably means that I have the same thing my husband had last week, though his didn't come with a rash, so we thought it was food poisoning.
Anyway, the "person on interest" has been charged in that fatal fire here.
Oooh, where? f_w?
Which fandom this time?
Comics again! teh_no got banninated from s_d.
t cheers
t considers going to sleep
Comics again! teh_no got banninated from s_d.
One of my fandoms, but good news!
Sometimes I look at what I've just written, and then I think about Windtalkers. Fandom code isn't unbreakable, but I think that by the time you decode it, you've been drinking the Kool-Aid too long to turn back.
Ooh, I just noticed that some but not all of my Outlook appointments got moved an hour later. Now I have to figure out which ones. That's annoying!
I don't get what teh_no's issue is, exactly. Just that sort of general asstool anger at wimmins?
I don't get what teh_no's issue is, exactly. Just that sort of general asstool anger at wimmins?
He's a poorly socialized douchebag.
He seems to have a desperate need to be liked, and if he can't get people to like him by spamming the intarwebz with bad porn, he'll take whatever attention he can get. He strikes me as the kind of person who'd put up a nasty MySpace page about a chick who turned him down for a date, and when angrily called on it, would protest that it was "just a joke."