there's a quantum leap I'm missing, and keeping on with the same approach is what'll make me mad and dispirited.
I used to tutor calculus in college. I found that if the way I was explaining things wasn't working, I could easily switch gears and explain it a different way, so I could almost always make people understand the point. In fact, people often told me, "You have a way of explaining things that makes sense."
Hmm... maybe I should have been a teacher....
On the flip side, I have a pouty and stubborn streak, and sometimes when I'm sure I've said it right, I won't say it any other way. This is usually saved for short sentences. So teaching will go like this:
"Keep your hand up."
[blank look, hand down]
"Keep your hand up."
[hand still down]
"Keep your hand up."
[hand not up]
"Keep your hand up." [said more slowly with wiggling of the hand]
[hand up]
I have no idea what transpires in the learning centres of the student's brain in a scenario like that. There are complicated motions where it's hard to keep your hand up without letting everything else fall apart. I don't do this during those. I do it for easily measurable scenarios, where they can look down while motionless and see that their hand is, indeed, not up.
And I never do it on a first correction. It's a sign of me becoming frustrated, because I've tried explaining it, I've tried moving their hand myself, and I've tried showing them what a hand up looks like.
It does end up working, and I have to hope it doesn't fracture the teacher-student relationship any. I just..I just get all "THAT'S WHAT I SAID."
Was worse with computers, because the things were much simpler. Keeping your hand up vs. hitting enter twice...should be no contest. Why in dog's name should I have to repeat the hitting enter thing
walking someone through a process? Usually because they want to argue with me, and aren't really paying attention. That totally brings out the bad in me where I go monotone and keep repeating verbatim and refuse to stop until they, say, hit enter twice.
"Keep your hand up." [...]
Gods, I hope I wasn't that much of an ass when I went.
Look at these ornate, hand-carved wooden eyeglass frames: [link]
Pretty! Almost too pretty to wear.
Yeah, there's definitely a point where I get frustrated teaching and resort to repetition. But that's a different scenario from where the student is tuned in and working, but doesn't understand. Our classes are so social that it's sometimes hard to separate out good working together from bad working together, and that's when the verbal equivalent of a hand waving in front of the face comes in.
But I wish it were easier to work out a student's preferred learning style earlier. In more structured environments, like in a school, we would just ask. We knew we'd have the same students consistently. But at the youth center, it's much harder because you often get brand new kids whose trust you have to gain before they'll tell you their name, let alone how they study.
Ok. [link]
I can NOT imgaine having your child murdered and the the person you are convinced committed the murder being found "not guilty". I can NOT imagine the toll that has to take on your emotions and family life and how painful and horrible it feels.
But, at the same time, I don't understand what the Goldman's hope they will acheive when/if they ever get any of their money out of OJ. I mean, c'mon. He had great enough lawyers (granted - the prosecutors effed the pooch on that trial BIG TIME) to not be convicted. Do you really think he doesn't have great lawyers now to hide whatever money you think he might have?
And those residual checks from "Naked Gun", etc? Yeah - they probably total up to about a buck fiddy. Seriously.
Your son is gone. And that's a tragedy I can not even begin to comprehend. But getting any of that money is not going to bring him back.
Congratulations Jessica and Ethan!
Aimee, I think that could be one of those things where the only way to hurt him is financially, or tying him up in court. They may not want the money as much they want to hurt OJ however they can.