Isn't it sleet == turns to ice in the air, freezing rain == turns to ice after hitting the ground?
That's what I thought. It all translates to bad.
I'm... at my office. And I think I might have to come in tomorrow, because snow days don't exist around here. I'm just hoping that things don't suddenly go pear-shaped and I get stuck somewhere. I will take a ticket and go home, thanks much.
Why doesn't weather hate Las Vegas?
Um, because Las Vegas made it a point to segregate itself out in the desert where bad stuff is supposed to go?
The roads here seem fine as far as I can tell. The SO may have a different tale to tell when he gets back home, but...
We'll have to see what it does the rest of the day. I think we'll still be able to go down the hill by this evening. If we end up missing classes tonight, I will be sad, because we had such a great class yesterday, and tomorrow we're off (because our team is in the tournament, yay, and pretty much the whole tribe is off work and school so everyone can go to Flagstaff for the game) so our whole week flow would be disrupted.
We still have snow. Barely, but it is snow. It needs to stay that way until 5.
needs to stay snow? or stay barely snow?
Needs to stay snow if there is going to be precipitation of any sort. Because the predictions go to sleet then freezing rain. Which will suck no matter what, but I'd rather not be stuck at work when that happens.
This is what we're looking forward to: [link]
Ick. We hatesss the icy crap (whichever name they give it).
I am guessing that sarameg doesn't want to drive home during a snowpocalypse.
no snow. bright sunny day here.
am off to travel 1 hr, get mac, travel another hr (back where I came from, of course) to dr. and hopefully then go home.
snow not ice
Cindy, I saw that comment and totally didn't get it until you reposted. BWAH!