I love the Oscars, but I don't even know why I'm watching -- I think out of all the movies nominated I saw ... Monster House. It was a very bad year for me getting the movies.
I've seen Pirates of the Caribbean and The Devil Wears Prada. This is what comes of only going to movies in the summer.
Possibly my new motto: "I believe in hope, but not a hula-hula hope." Who was that?
This whole bit is great.
Really loving this opening.
Me too! Eddie Murphy cracked me up.
I'd be happy to look as good as Helen Mirren at my current age. I liked the individual parts of Kirsten Dunst's dress, but I didn't think they worked together. The color was good, the neckline was unusual and attractive, the skirt and beading were lovely, but I don't think they looked good together. I liked the color of Gwenyth Paltrow's dress, and the lines, but I wasn't wild about the neckline.
ETA: Is Ellen in a purple crushed velvet tux or is it the light? Either way, go Ellen!
The opening is great!
Ellen looks good in that burgundy velvet tux (no tie).
Sumi, can you tell us who gets Philiminated (white font) when TAR's over?
Looks chocolate on my screen.
Rachel Weisz looks amazing. Not bothering to link to Yahoo, because they lie and change URLs. But she does.
It looks like wine red to me. I love Ellen.
That opening with the nominees was great.
Hmmm, I think Kathy's right about the burgundy. Maybe my screen was off, or maybe Ellen was just in front of a blue-toned light for a moment, earlier.