I think we got like 4 inches of snow last night and it's snowing again right now.
However, I phoned my friend in Grand Rapids and got her husband who says that they're expecting another FOOT of snow today. That's life just east of Lake Michigan, I guess.
I believe I'll be wimping out on my half hour walk today in favor of watching Little Miss Sunshine. However, I did get in about an hour's worth of heart rate-raising exercise during a nooner. I don't know if it's the diet, spring weather, finishing the book I was compositing last week, or a combo of all three... but I feel much more like the shameless slut I used to be.
Yay for shameless sluttery and homebaked bread!
Today's news: seeing Sam Waterston at brunch. He took up a six-person table at the very front of the restaurant for like an hour and a half in an extremely small, busy French place. Downed a cocktail in one gulp. Leisurely read the Sunday Times. No word as to whether he was lying then, or lying now.
I was up late last night, so I finally wandered out to the living room just before noon, pulled open the blinds to get some light in the room, and then boggled at the snow piled up on the tree branches. Certainly woke me up.
Oo, but yesterday I did my errands, got my comics, and then saw
Orson's Shadow
at the Round House in Bethesda, which was really charming and fun. And I was thinking beforehand, it must be hard to play characters that Everyone Knows Already, but the guy playing Welles was particularly fantastic. He even had that amused gleam in his eye that Welles had. The guy playing Olivier was also good, though I was slightly disturbed that he kept reminding me more of John Cleese.
Then I saw
Double Indemnity
at the AFI theater. And
I ate pancakes! Plus Daniel and I started plotting to go to LA next winter on a real-and-for-true vacation without any pesky work to interfere with our mayhem.
So I had an excellent Saturday.
Today I am going to putter around, do laundry, and eventually I'll do my stupid screentrail. And I will think about clearing the snow off the car, but I'm pretty sure I'd have to put on shoes for that, and I don't wanna.
No word as to whether he was lying then, or lying now.
I still have yet to do laundry, and I just almost took a nap. I think the bread is putting me to sleep!
The ice has started, alas.
I'm attempting to make spinach hazelnut burgers. My oven takes forever to heat up. It may be a bust because I'm uncertain of the vintage of the hazelnuts. And before anyone thinks they are healthy, they involved a lot of parmesean. I'm totally making this up as I go, relying on 11 year old taste memory.
I think I have missed something about Sam Waterston... What did he lie about?
I have no done 4 loads of laundry. Go me!
Holy shitballs?
It's from the song!
So when you're happy (Hurray!) or sad (Aw!)
Or frightened (Eeeeeek!) or mad (Rats!)
Or excited (Holy shitballs!) or glad (Hey!)
An interjection starts a sentence right!
I think I have missed something about Sam Waterston... What did he lie about?
If you watch L&O reruns on TNT for any period of time...or really anything on TNT, you see the commercial for Law and Order with Waterston demanding, "Were you lying then, OR ARE YOU LYING NOW?!"
Tom: Hee!
I still have not put in the laundry. Any minute now.....