Not reading carefully, my first thought was that Dana was prophetic. But then I went back and it was Jesse who invoked fecal matter.
As soon as my hair is dried, I'm taking the trash out and making the first pass at the car. There's some wind starting. Which means the trees are doing massive snow dumps. I don't want to walk under then.
Aaaand it's leaking into our house now. Oh, joy.
I want fresh bread. Jesse wouldn't turn me away if I showed up on her doorstop, right?
JZ and Matilda are off to church and a round of grandparental attention.
When we were in Tahoe we had a toddler with us, India, and she was very curious about the baby and in the morning would inquire "'Tilda wake up?" The first time somebody's called her Tilda, but probably not the last.
Tilda was very super genial this morning, and I finally coaxed a laugh from her (JZ and Emmett had already scored baby laughs).
I'm finishing ita's Brazilian mix. It's extraordinarily good music for a Sunday morning.
Tonight - Oscar Mock and Watch with Juliana, Lee, Emily and Suzi. Woot!
Aaaand it's leaking into our house now. Oh, joy.
Were you waiting for a sign to move to North Carolina? This is it.
I want fresh bread. Jesse wouldn't turn me away if I showed up on her doorstop, right?
I would not, but it will probably be gone before you get here.
I would not, but it will probably be gone before you get here.
Just leave the key under the mat.
Go you, Cowgirl, with your mad bizzaking skillz!
Yay, Jesse! Fresh bread, mmmmmm.....
Dana, I hope things get straightened out v. quickly and you don't have much to clean up!
Kat, feel better soon! I totally sympathize with the coughing thing and it sucks.
We got about 3 inches of icy, sleety snow last night. It's icky. I'm glad I ran all my errands yesterday, so I can stay home today. I do need to do laundry which necessitates me going outside, but it's not too far.