However, Josie at the Alembic is definitely still there and she's very cool and makes excellent drinks. The Alembic has an impressive selection of Scotch and Whiskey. And since they're an off-shoot of Magnolia Brewing (where I took Nora), they've got many fine beers there as well.
puts Alembic on the list
I'm supposed to be doing school work but I'm not. I'm telling myself I'm getting all the internet futzing done and out of the way first.
So relieved that Jesse made it through the night without being consumed by her bread dough!
Ha. Now she can consume her bread dough. So much better.
It is how nature intended things!
A comic that posits a possible scenario how Intelligent Design works: [link]
Makes sense to me....
Jesse lives! And not encased in bread dough!
Kat, I hope your thesis work is coming along well without a cough.
OK, so I got up at 7:30 and shot the cat. Then I read the paper. Then I sat in bed listening to the radio. Around 9, I fell asleep.
I got up at noon (Hey, I didn't go to bed till 2 am) and it's been snowing. Enough to cover everything with a couple inches, at minumum. It's regular snow, not slurpee. That's supposed to come later. After another couplethree more inches.
So the question is, do I clear off the car today, knowing that ice is coming, or wait for the ice and have to deal with it before work tomorrow? Bleah. All signs point to THIS SUCKS.
From Susie Bright's blog:
How much would you bet that Reverend Ted Haggard falls off the wagon in the very near future?
I'm serious. I know he just got a big check to shut up and leave town, but you know what he likes to spend his money on! Tick-tock, gentlemen.
This guy has crusaded against gay people for years— including while he was going down on a hooker named Mike. He had President Bush's little pink ear while his community equated homosexuals with murderers and thieves. He told his wife he was going on spiritual writing retreats while he was getting laid in Boys Town, dreaming about twinkie-orgies and scoring meth. His sex worker couldn't take it anymore when the Good Reverend started campaigning against gay marriage for the Colorado state ballot, and came forward to spill the beans.
Don't feel sorry for Mr. Haggard's privacy. Ted has now accepted a large "undisclosed amount" from his church elders in exchange for signing a confidentiality agreement and leaving town, after taking a three-week "cure" that wouldn't get rid of a cough, let alone a lifelong sexual preference for men.
Yes, it's high time to announce: The Ted Haggard Betting Pool.
We don't believe Ted's commitment to the straight and narrow is going to last, and we're willing to put money on it.
All pool proceeds will be split 50/50 between the winner(s), and LYRIC, the "young, loud, and proud" San Francisco youth group dedicated building LGBTQQ community and inspiring social change.
It's fun! It's for charity!
eta: Um, since it's Susie Bright, some images are NSFW.
Holy shitballs, you guys, this bread is AWESOME. I've never made bread before!
Go you, Jesse! Welcome to the world of awesome. So much better than storebought.
Our neighbor just rang our doorbell. She has sewage leaking over her dining room floor.
I was wondering what that smell was.
Holy shitballs?
Clear the car now, sara, because then tomorrow there will be less to clear.