We have two ancient television sets--a 19 inch, 17 year old set and a 32 inch, behemouth that is possibly 20 years old. Every time I start worrying about one of them going out, DH starts clucking about not replacing them and just going without tv.
If we didn't have the kids, I'd probably be able to get by with online content, dvd's and broadcast television. But I love the convenience of DVR and Noggin. I'm as addicted to Noggin as the kids.
I know that they would get over the loss much easier but I just can't think about axing TV during the winter.
Or ever.
Like Cindy said, lives might be lost.
Someome tell me that freezing rain, followed by rain, followed by snow is going to be more fun than it sounds.
Yes, and the good guys are always stalwart and true. The bad guys are easily distinguished by their pointy horns or black hats, and we always defeat them and save the day. No one ever dies. And everyone lives happily ever after.
Cashmere, I hope that by Monday it will be better. (I can hear ice rattling against the window behind me.)
Cash, all I can say is...well, it sucks. But I'm a bitter, scarred woman, $140 poorer from the broken clutch that wasn't. But at least you can avoid contemplating driving on Monday. Given it is barely hitting y'all now (and was originally supposed to hit us...now) I'm really really bitter about monday morning.
I forgot to put salt in my bread! Not the no-knead stuff, my standard honey oatmeal. During whose making I ran out of both bread flour and white flour, so it's topped up with whole wheat. Not too much, I hope. And then there's the whole salt thang.
I crave to make blueberry ice cream. Well, mostly vanilla ice cream with blueberries stirred in. The Cooks Illustrated vanilla ice cream recipe includes chilling the custard 4-8 hours. Way to go to sabotage my plan for quasi-instantaneous gratification.
Okay. Shower. And then bath, while watching Life On Mars. I usually want to be girly after a day of krav brutalisation, but I am just lacking the energy. Tomorrow, though, after class, I'm totally wearing a dress and lip gloss. Just you watch.
Is there new Life on Mars??
Shameless dancing singing baby plug!
That's no baby! What a big girl.
::clicks link::
::dies from the cute::
::comes back from the dead to click again::
::dies again::