My friend just sent me pictures of her 15 year old stepson. 15!!! How can he be 15!!! I remember when they finally got custody when he was 9! And all that they've been through, and now he's FIFTEEN! He was always a beautiful child, and now he's turning into handsome. Man. And his sister is almost three. Also gorgeous, though sort of his opposite, appearence-wise. He's got olive skin, straight dark hair and beautiful brown eyes. She's snow-white pale, riotous blond curls ...and her brother's eyes.
He's always been her champion, and it tickles me silly to see these pictures where he is helping HER open HIS birthday presents. God, he's come so far, I'm so proud of him. (I got him Angel season something for his birthday. Heh.)
Fifteen is so old and so young!
Sometimes, I feel that not being a parent allows me to better remember what it is like to be a child or adolescent-- my meat-space friends who are parents seem to forget things more than I. Children seem to sense this, too, I think. When I interact with three to five year old girls, for xample, they seem to think of me as a very large little girl, rather than a "mommy". Once I had this very sweet little girl tell me, very seriously, all about how when she looked in the mirror, she could see Cinderella and Snow White and Belle behind her and talk to them. She was so delighted. She also wanted to know who my mommy was!
Man, o man.
I like to trawl my provocateuse referer logs because I can often find sources of other pretties. One such trawl landed me on a bodybuilding forum, and SHIT. Maybe I'm sheltered but these guys give any female conversation I've seen a run for the money in cattiness, with dollops of homophobia tossed in. See, you can't critique a man's physique without repeated asserting your straightness (no homo).
That all having been said, I'm getting some great pictures.
(no homo) makes me laugh!
I don't want to keep reading because the dude who posted the pic of the Brawny guy made me so happy.
(no homo) makes me laugh!
There was a period at work last year where the guys, having determined that whole "it's not gay if you call it!" thing was hysterically funny to them, were running into each others' offices, shouting "no homo!" and getting kinda touchy feely.
There are reasons why I made that crack about the universe where they're all rentboys the other day.
The pictures peter out (no homo) after about page four or so. But that Jason Statham is a keeper!
Not to keep on harping about my fitness routine this week, but, damn, I'm proud of myself!! Even though my back was really starting to hurt when I was leaving work, I still stopped by the center and got on the treadmill for 21 minutes (a minute longer than Wednesday), and I went a tad faster, too. Then, I stopped by the convenience store on the way home for milk, and I just had to look at the Ben & Jerry's selection to see if they had in the Stephen Colbert flavor, and even though they didn't they had my second favorite one (Strawberry Cheesecake), so I had my hand on the freezer case handle, but took it off and bought my milk, got in the car and pulled out of the parking lot. As soon as I was on the road, I shouted, "FUCK Yeah!!!"
Then I got home and talked to my parents and sister, and now my dad is coming up tomorrow to hang (his wife is in LA this weekend, so he's bored). I must clean tonight!
You go, Kathy.
I'm trying to tighten up my eating. So far that means no toppings on my hamburgers. I haven't yet calculated if that makes me eat more fries or not.
Pitbulls are for wimps.
Yeah, they still don't have Stephen Colbert's ice cream locally either. I keep checking, because yo, I am a fangurl. So I keep buying other kinds of ice cream. But I scooped it out into tiny little containers so at least I have some kind of portion control. And I stepped down to the next size of plate since I've been maintaining instead of losing.